Throughout the year, the Health Promotion team works with various community groups on projects and events related to well-being.
- SFU Health Promotion works collaboratively with Health & Counselling Services, to host various student-focused events, workshops, sessions and initiatives
- SFU Health Promotion also provides various on-demand workshops in support of mental health and well-being for staff and faculty including presentations and workshops
- Health Promotion and SFU TILT co-presented “Well-being in learning environments: An institutional inquiry” to share about the impact this project had on students, at the Society for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education Annual Conference 2023
- Health Promotion and SFU TILT co-presented “Building capacity for well-being: Tools for Well-being in the Classroom research project” at the Healthy Minds | Healthy Campuses 2023 Summit
- World Mental Health Day events involving partnerships with various campus stakeholders to host events across 3 campuses
- Various Health Peer outreaches and events including Community Cooking Workshops, Mental Health, Nutrition and Substance Use events.
- Introduction to Tools for Well-being in the Classroom, engaged faculty in learning and sharing about Well-being in Learning Environments
- Tools for Well-being in the Classroom: Wellness and Practice, invited faculty to practice well-being check ins for their classes
- Creating institutional change through a Well-being in Learning Environments research project presentation at the International Health Promoting Campuses Symposium
- Thriving Beyond Campuses: A Dialogue Series Connecting B.C. Post-Secondary Schools
- Embodying Racial Justice: Trauma-informed Equity and Inclusion Work for Institutional Transformation [session 1 and session 2 co-hosted with SFU Library and CEE]
- Thrive Week: Well-being During These Times
- Thriving with the Health Peers Podcast
- 8 Ways to Build Resilience Video Series
- Bouncing Forward: Using a Student Driven Process to Assess and Refresh an Online Resilience Course at CACUSS 2021
- Various Health Peer outreaches and events including Community Cooking Workshops, Mental Health, Nutrition and Substance Use events.
- Inclusion and Well-being in Online Learning Environments [webinar hosted by CEE]
- Stress Management & Building Resilience Series
- SHAC: Health Equity Impact Assessment at Healthy Minds|Healthy Campuses Summit [session recording & presentation slides]
- Enhancing Well-being and Social Connection for Graduate Students and the Students they Teach presentation at Healthy Minds Healthy Campuses Summit
- Creative Collective: Building Social Connections and Intrapersonal Well-being through Creativity presentation at Healthy Minds Healthy Campuses Summit
- Creativity and self: How Creative Thinking can Enhance Well-being on Campus presentation at CACUSS 2019