Exchange Funding
Search through the funding options that are available for SFU students pursuing study abroad programs through ISS.
Some of these funding options are available through SFU, while others are offered by external organizations. If you are interested in any of these programs, please contact the program sponsor directly.
In addition to these listings, you should also research:
- Funding through SFU: SFU Financial Aid and Awards has comprehensive listings of all funding available through SFU
- External funding: You may be able to find other sources of funding based on your own background, interests, or plans abroad.
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British Columbia Study Abroad (BCSA) Consortium
The BC Study Abroad Scholarships celebrate the study abroad experience through student-generated content and financial support. Scholarship recipients will receive $500 for a virtual study abroad program and $1000 for an in-person study abroad program, and the opportunity to share their in-person and/or virtual exchange study abroad experience via blog and photos.
Visit BCSA website for more information, including eligibility criteria, award values, and application process.
The BUTEX Scholarship (UK)
The British Transatlantic Exchange Association (BUTEX) is pleased to offer two scholarships for students currently registered at an institution in the USA or Canada. To be eligible to apply, you must have been offered a place as a study abroad or exchange student in a UK university which is a member of BUTEX.
Canada-China Scholars' Exchange Program (CCSEP)
Offered by Global Affairs Canada and the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China, the Canada-China Scholars’ Exchange Program (CCSEP) aims to foster deeper mutual understanding, build strong academic and professional ties between Canada and China, and develop future Canadian leaders with expertise and experience in China.
The program provides an excellent opportunity to learn Chinese, and/or pursue post-secondary studies or research at leading institutions across China. Applicants must be Canadian citizens.
For more information on the eligibility criteria, scholarship value and duration, and how to apply, please consult the program guidelines: Canada-China Scholars’ Exchange Program.
DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst - German Academic Exchange Service (Germany)
The German Academic Exchange Service is the German national agency for the support of international academic cooperation. DAAD offers programs and funding for students, faculty, researchers and others in higher education, and promotes Germany as an academic and research destination.
View profiles of recent DAAD Young Ambassadors.
Search for funding opportunities here.
Dr. Catherine Black Award for Studies in French
- Full time enrollment at SFU with a declared major in French with Concentration for Prospective Teachers
- Acceptance to participate in an exchange term(s) or current enrollment in an exchange term(s), administered by SFU’s International Services for Students, at a university in France
- Good academic standing (minimum 2.00 CGPA)
- Nominated to an exchange at a university in France approved by International Services for Students
Preference will be given to applicants who are enrolled in or attending a term(s) at Université de Tours in Tours, France; and/or are enrolled in their 3rd year of study.
Submit a letter of application clearly demonstrating your commitment to French studies, along with documentation of your acceptance/enrollment in the exchange (SFU nomination email), by mail or electronically (c/o Leena Edmeads, Secretary to the Chair, to:
Department of French
West Mall Centre 2630
8888 University Drive
Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6
Value: Minimum of $1000 annually
Dr. Rosena Davison Award for Studies in France
- Full time enrollment at SFU with an approved major in French
- Acceptance to participate in an exchange term(s) or current enrollment in an exchange term(s), administered by SFU's International Services, at a university in France
- Good academic standing (minimum 2.00 CGPA)
Preference will be given to applicants who are enrolled in or attending a term(s) at Université de Tours in Tours, France; and/or are enrolled in their 3rd year of study.
Submit a letter of application clearly demonstrating your commitment to French studies, along with documentation of your acceptance/enrollment in the exchange (SFU nomination email), by mail or electronically (c/o Leena Edmeads, Secretary to the Chair, to:
Department of French
West Mall Centre 2630
8888 University Drive
Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6
Value: A minimum of $1000 annually
Education Credit Union Foundation of BC - Education Award Bursary
This award is external to SFU and students need to contact any Credit Union in the lower mainland to request that an application form be mailed to them.
Value: up to $2000
French Cohort Program Exchange Awards
Available to full-time third year undergraduate students in the French Cohort Program, in good academic standing, who have been accepted to participate in a formal exchange program at a francophone university.
The Award will be made by the Senate Undergraduate Awards Adjudication Committee, on the recommendation of the Office of Francophone and Francophile Affairs.
Value: $500
Golden Key International Honour Society: Study Abroad Scholarship
This scholarship assists members who are going to participate in a study abroad program. With the global economy in today’s world, Golden Key feels it is crucial for members to have education-based study abroad experiences.
Value: $5000
Government of Canada Scholarships
Three competitions are open to Canadians to embark on graduate studies or research abroad: Commonwealth Scholarships, Foreign Government Awards and Organization of American States Scholarships. Overall, up to 75 awards for top Canadian students are expected this year. CBIE administers the three programs on behalf of FAC.
- The Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan offers opportunities for graduate study in several Commonwealth countries.
- The Foreign Government Awards, mirrored by the Government of Canada Awards for most participating countries, allow Canadians to study in 12 countries as follows: Chile, Colombia, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mexico, The Netherlands, The Philippines, Russia and Spain.
- The Organization of American States Fellowships Programs offer graduate study opportunities for Canadians, chiefly in the Spanish-speaking countries of Central and South America and in Brazil where Portuguese is the official language.
International Exchange Bursary
Bursaries are available for eligible SFU students participating in a full time SFU Exchange or Field School program. Financial Aid for Study Abroad Students sessions will be held for all nominated/approved exchange and field school students. These sessions will provide detailed information on how to apply for these bursaries. Sessions are posted on the Information Sessions and Advising page once scheduled.
IREP Summer Scholarship (Germany)
Students accepted to the IREP Summer Program at Technische Universität Darmstadt will receive the IREP Summer Scholarship. The scholarship will be issued in three installments upon arrival in Darmstadt.
Value: €1200 for the 12-week program
JASSO Student Exchange Support Program (Japan)
This scholarship is available for qualified international students accepted by Japanese universities or graduate schools under the student exchange agreement on a short-term basis from about three months to one year. All applications will be processed through the Japanese host institutions once students are nominated for exchange.
The Killam Fellowships Program (USA)
Third year study abroad awards for undergraduate study in the United States. The Killam Fellowships Program, the first of its kind, supports exceptional American and Canadian undergraduate students in educational exchange each year. Applications are currently being accepted for students in all fields of study -- humanities, sciences, and social sciences.
- Canadian citizenship
- Full time undergraduate student in good standing at an accredited degree-granting institution
- Superior academic record
- Proficiency in English.
Value: US$10,000 for one academic year (US$5,000 per semester); US$500 Health Insurance Allowance; Up to US$1000 for in-country travel; Killam Orientation in Ottawa; Spring Seminar in the United States.
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) Student Mobility Fellowship (Korea)
KAIST International Relations Team offers Student Mobility Fellowship to students from SFU for the 2016-2017 exchange year.
The selection process for this award will be announced to successful exchange nominees.
Value: $1,000 USD to 2 selected students per year
Korea University International Summer Campus (ONLY)
Academic Excellence Awards are available for students enrolled in the Korea University International Summer Campus under the SFU Exchange Program (Fee-paying).
Approx value KRW 500,000 - KRW 1,500,000 ($400 USD - $1360 USD)
Lewis Perinbam Award in International Development
Administered by the World University Service of Canada (WUSC), the Award recognizes grassroots achievements in improving life in developing countries and expanding awareness of those countries among the Canadian public.
Value: $2500
Liberation Scholarship (Netherlands)
The Liberation Scholarship Program offers 70 credit mobility scholarships to highly motivated students from Canada who would like to study in the Netherlands for three to twelve months and become part of the long-standing historic ties between the two countries.
Kelly O'Hagan Memorial Bursary
The Bursary will be granted annually in any term on the basis of financial need, to students in good academic standing from any faculty who are enrolled in an exchange or field school in Latin America.
Value: $1250
Program Code: UEBO-683
Mitsubishi Canada Limited Student Exchange Awards
The Mitsubishi Canada Limited Endowment Fund was established at Simon Fraser University in 2006 with a generous donation from Mitsubishi Canada Limited and matching funds from the Burnaby Mountain Endowment Fund Matching Program.
The purpose of the endowment is to facilitate student exchange between Simon Fraser University and universities in Japan, effectively promote cultural exchange and understanding between Canada and Japan.
The Mitsubishi Canada Limited Student Exchange Awards will be awarded annually to an undergraduate student or students who is/are undertaking study in Japan on a Formal Exchange Program with one of SFU's Japanese exchange partners.
- 2.7 Cumulative grade point average
- Completion of at least one year of study at SFU
- Two letters of reference from faculty
- Accepted for enrollment by one of SFU's Japanese exchange partners
Awards will be made on the basis of academic performance. The awards will be made by the Senate Undergraduate Adjudication Committee on the nomination of the Director, International Services for Students.
Value: $2000
National Chengchi University - College of Commerce (Taiwan)
SFU students may receive free accommodation in NCCU dormitories and can receive a scholarship for taking the Mandarin Studies Program while on exchange.
Value: $10,000 NT
Ritsumeikan University Scholarships (JASSO and RUSSES) (Japan)
This competitive RUSSES scholarship is provided by Ritsumeikan to exceptional partner university students who will be enrolled in the Study in Kyoto Program for either one semester or one year.
Value: A monthly stipend of ¥40,000 for a period of four or ten months
SFU-India Student Mobility Awards (India)
Awarded to Simon Fraser University students in any faculty undertaking study or experiential learning in India with one of Simon Fraser University's India exchange partners, field schools, projects or co-op partners.
- Good academic standing
- Accepted and approved for a Simon Fraser University experiential learning opportunity in India such as an international exchange, field school program, co-operative education work term, volunteer or service learning assignment
- Good academic performance and prior engagement in internationalization activities (e.g. volunteer activities, mentorships, community activities)
- Eligibility consideration will include but not necessarily be limited to: geographical location within India, salary, stipends, honorariums and placement costs (e.g. work permits, association fees like AIESEC, immunization, travel, etc.)
The award will be made by the Senate Undergraduate Awards Adjudication Committee on the nomination of the Director, International Services for Students and Director, Simon Fraser University's Work Integrated Learning.
Exchange nominees, please contact the Study Abroad Officer for this region to receive an application.
Application Deadlines
Spring: January 10 | Summer: May 10 | Fall: September 10
Early applications are encouraged.
Value: up to $4000
Shanghai Jiao Tong University Award
SJTU will select one scholarship recipient sponsored by China Scholarship Council with RMB 7500/semester. This Award is only open to Canadian citizens.
Value: RMB 7500/semester (2016-2017 year)
Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute (India)
The Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute offers several new funding opportunities for scholars and students. These include: Partnership Development Seed Grants, Visiting Faculty Travel Grants, Mobility/Exchange Grants, Grants to Support Development of Study-In-India Programme, and Shastri Student Excellence Awards.
Baden-Württemberg Scholarship (Germany)
Thsi scholarship offered by the Universität Mannheim (Business) may be available in some years.
Study in Switzerland Funding
Study in Switzerland administers a range of awards. See their website for more information.
ThinkSwiss Scholarship (Switzerland)
The ThinkSwiss scholarship is for advanced undergrads, MA students, and pre-docs. The call for applications normally go out in October with an application deadline of December 31. The scholarship is more research-focused and students may need to have a letter from the Swiss professor who is involved in the research in their field of interest.
Suite of Study Abroad Awards
In the Study Abroad (Formal Exchange or Field School) program application, degree seeking SFU students applying for a full-time study abroad program may apply to the Suite of Study Abroad Awards. Students will submit one application in order to be considered for the full suite of awards, but only a maximum of one International Mobility Award (IMA) will be awarded per student. IMA applications will first be considered for the highest value IMA eligible. Each award has its own eligibility and selection criteria, which are detailed on the application.
NOTE: Virtual exchange students and visiting students accepted to SFU for the purposes of participating in a field school are not eligible for these awards.
- Diamond Family International Mobility Award (DFIMA)
Awarded to undergraduate participants accepted into a formal undergraduate Exchange or Field School program intended to provide additional funding to assist with the costs of travel and living expenses while pursuing studies abroad.
Value: Multiple awards, valued at a minimum of $2000 each are awarded each year.
- International Mobility Award (IMA)
In an effort to support students who are participating in a formal international Exchange or Field School programs, in addition to bursaries and scholarships, SFU has identified this additional funding to assist students with the costs of travel and living expenses while pursuing studies abroad. Multiple awards will be distributed each year.
Value: Up to $1000
- Beedie Study Abroad Award (BSAA)
SFU Beedie School of Business Student Exchange to a SFU Beedie School of Business Partner
The SFU Beedie School of Business recognizes the impact of educating students within a global context, developing diversity in the academic community and encouraging students to extend their learning beyond our borders. To support our students studying abroad while on exchange, Beedie has provided funding to assist students with the costs of travel and living expenses abroad. Multiple awards will be distributed each year.
Value: Minimum of $1000
- Lana Cooke International Mobility Award (LCIMA)
In an effort to support Faculty of Applied Sciences students who are participating in a formal Exchange or Field School programs, in addition to bursaries and scholarships, SFU has identified this additional funding to assist students with the costs of travel and living expenses while pursuing studies abroad. Preference will be given to students enrolled in the Engineering Program.
Value: A single award of at least $2000 will be distributed each year.
- Ali Dastmalchian Memorial International Study Abroad Award
Awarded to students who:
• are enrolled full-time in the Bachelor of Business Administration program in the SFU Beedie School of Business in the term of eligibility;
• are in good academic standing;
• are participating in full-time SFU Formal Exchange or full-time Field School programs administered by the International Services for Students office; and
• have prior engagement in internationalization activities (e.g. volunteer activities, mentorships, community activities).
Value: Minimum of $1500
- Ben West Student Exchange Annual Award (BWSEA)
The Ben West Student Exchange Award will be awarded to support a student who:
• Is enrolled full-time in the Bachelor of Business Adminstration program in the Beedie School of Business in the term of the award;
• Is in good academic standing;
• Has been accepted or is currently enrolled in an SFU international exchange program
administered by the International Services for Students office in the term of award, and;
• Has demonstrated exceptional community service
Applications must include a letter of reference from an individual who can verify the student's community service.
Value: $2000
- Barry Macdonald Award for Global Mobility (BMAGM)
Awarded to students who:
• are enrolled full-time in the Bachelor of Business Administration program in the SFU Beedie School of Business in the term of eligibility;
• have completed at least 60 SFU units;
• are in good academic standing;
• have been accepted or are currently enrolled in an SFU international exchange program administered by the International Services for Students office in the term of eligibility; and
• have demonstrated exceptional community service.
• preference will be giving to students who are enrolled in their international exchange term(s) in Asia.
Value: $2500+
Universität Basel (Switzerland)
A Grant may be available to a student pursuing an exchange term at Universitat Basel. Please email for more information.
Value: 1000 CHF monthly for four months total during the academic year 2022/23.
Universite de Tours Award
Universite de Tours offers a limited number of awards to SFU students participating in a formal exchange program to U de Tours. The number and amount of awards will vary each year. Priority is given to students who are not receiving other types of funding through U de Tours for their exchange (eg funding for Formation Duale program students, Erasmus+ funding).
Universite de Tours Award
Universite de Tours offers a limited number of awards to SFU students participating in a formal exchange program to U de Tours. The number and amount of awards will vary each year. Priority is given to students who are not receiving other types of funding through U de Tours for their exchange (eg funding for Formation Duale program students, Erasmus+ funding).