Women in SETT Leadership Workshop Series Part 2

May 02, 2019

Built upon the experiences of Canadian women and proven across the country, the WinSETT Centre's Leadership Program is the only Canadian program focused exclusively on women in SETT.

Throughly develop your leadership potential with six full-day workshops (9:00am - 4:00pm) over three months in two day pairings. 

The second set of workshops are Emotional Intelligence And Negotiating for Success.

Emotional Intelligence Wednesday May 1, 2019
The workshop will review, assess and develop participant competencies in the five areas of Emotional Intelligence: Self-awareness, Self-regulation, Motivation, Empathy and Social Skills. Specifically, participants will put emotional intelligence into practice in the following areas:
· Managing Conflict
· Practicing Assertiveness
· Balancing Control & Trust
· Building self-confidence
· Being an inspiring leader

Negotiating for Success Thursday May 2, 2019
Participants will gain awareness of the many workplace situations in which negotiation takes place and learn about the underlying factors that can affect their personal effectiveness and outcomes of those negotiations. They will then practice methods to advance their own skills to negotiate for opportunities, resources to enhance productivity, recognition, financial benefits, promotions, and access to networks. Specifically:
· Assess personal negotiation style, strengths and challenges
· Classify negotiation opportunities
· Distinguish five negotiation styles
· Deploy the ‘win-win’ (collaborative) negotiation style, including identifying, planning, conducting, documenting and learning from a negotiation

Date and Time:  8:00am May 1 - 4:00 pm May 2, 2019
Cost: $550-$1,075
Location: TBD
Register: Here