CHEM 360 – Thermodynamics and Chemical Kinetics
Lecture Topics (subject to change)

Introduction and Review What is Thermodynamics?
Energy, work and heat. Terminology
Ideal gases.
Real Gases Real gases. Compressibility Factor. Van der Waals Equation. Condensation of gases. Principle of Corresponding States.
Math Interlude Partial Differentiation.
Thermodynamics First Law. Temperature. Enthalpy. Pressure-volume work. Heat Capacity. Cp and Cv. Adiabatic Expansion.
More thermodynamics Joule. Joule-Thompson. Refrigeration. Equipartition.
Thermochemistry Thermochemistry. Hess's Law. Kirchoff's Law. Ions. Born -Haber Cycle.
Entropy Spontaneity. Entropy. 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. 3rd Law of Thermodynamics. Clausius inequality. Fundamental equations. Entropy change in spontaneous processes. Entropy of mixing. Low Temperature.
Heat Engines Heat engines. Efficiency. Absolute Temperature scale.
Free Energy Helmholtz and Gibbs Energies. Thermodynamic Relationships. How G varies with T and P. The Chemical Potential. Mixing. The Gibbs Energy Minimum.
Equilibrium Equilibrium Constants. Response of Equilibria to Temperature and Pressure. Phase equilibria. Clapeyron. Clausius-Clapeyron. The Phase Rule. Single Component Phase Diagrams.
Simple Kinetics Empirical chemical kinetics. Simple rate laws. 2nd order. Determination of Order. Data analysis. Temperature dependence of rate constants.
Complex Kinetics Opposing reactions Parallel reactions. Consecutive reactions. The steady-state approximation. Complex mechanisms. Atom/radical Combination Reactions. Diffusion-limited kinetics. Enzyme kinetics.
Chain Reactions Chain reactions, branching reactions Explosions. Oscillating reactions.
Reaction Dynamics Molecular Reaction Theories. Collision Theory. Potential Energy Surfaces. Thermodynamic Formulation of TST.
Review Review