2005 - 2008 species loneliness (#97)

Surviving Modernity: Species Loneliness in the Age of Nuclearism

How do humans survive modernity, the post-industrial world we have created for ourselves? Are there human ethical obligations to the non-human, living world? Species Loneliness speaks to environmental justice , noting the aftermath of massive resource exploitation and marginalization of HomeLand. each of the 98 panels consist of two photographs and one poem.  

four thousand photographs were taken during fieldwork seasons where i conduct oral narrative research with aboriginal people into their/our stories regarding the nuclear bomb upon aboriginal Home/Lands, resource extraction, and environmental concerns sprung from colonial impositions.  of this number, 196 were chosen for this thematic photograph poetry piece.

each panel is a stand-alone reality; a view into human experience in a mainstream culture that has no one canon or dogma, no set of shared beliefs outside of popular culture in which to inform and to navigate a complicated life.  a collective disease resulting from extinctions, habitat loss, and compromised, misplaced and displaced beings and landscape is species loneliness.