
Midterm Exam: March 2, 2015

The midterm exam is essay-based and occupies the entireity of our in-class time on March 2. There will be no tutorials this week. In studying for the midterm, you should be comfortable with the concepts we have discussed to this point and understand how to draw connections across the weeks. Put simply, you should be able to take from the readings a knowledge of how all this stuff comes together. You will be allowed to use your course reader only (note this is a slight change), should you want to consult any of your readings as you pull together an argument. The best essays will be able to connect discussions from borders to property to public space and do so logically and clearly.

Final Paper: April 24, 2015 at 5pm

The final paper is your opportunity to extend course conversations into a longer research-based analytical paper. As an upper level undergraduate course, I expect you to develop a clear argument backed by evidence. Your papers should be between 15-20 pages, not playing fast and loose with formatting and fonts. I expect that you will make active use of high quality academic source material beyond that offered directly in class or in our course reader. Importantly, I expect that you will develop a clear voice and an argument based in your research.

Our final exam has been scheduled for April 24. Accordingly, I will accept final papers until 5pm on the 24th.