Jessie Hemphill

Dialogue and Civic Engagement

Jessie Hemphill is from the Gwa'sala-'Nakwaxd'axw Nations, with Métis heritage as well. For more than a decade, she has worked with dozens of First Nations on their community plans, and has facilitated workshops, events and planning sessions for a wide variety of First Nations and Indigenous organizations, federal and local governments, and activist groups. She specializes in hands-on interactive planning and workshops.

She was elected twice as a councillor for the District of Port Hardy, has a master’s in community planning from Vancouver Island University, and served as the chair of her community economic development corporation’s board of directors. In 2018, Jessie received the Canadian Institute of Planners’ President’s Award for Young Planners and the Governor General’s Gold Medal.

She lives in Snuneymuxw territory (Nanaimo, B.C.) with her husband Jamaine and young daughter, Ida. She is the founder of Indigenous planning firm Alderhill Planning Inc. and teaches Indigenous planning at the University of British Columbia and Vancouver Island University.

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