Margaret Eberle
Margaret Eberle is a registered professional planner whose career-long passion has been planning and policy-making for affordable housing. She holds an undergraduate degree in economics and a master's in community and regional planning.
Margaret has recently returned to her independent consulting practice Eberle Planning and Research after spending five years at Metro Vancouver in a senior planning position. At Metro Vancouver, she worked with member municipalities on housing topics of regional concern, provided development planning advice to the Metro Vancouver Housing Corporation, led the update of the Regional Affordable Housing Strategy and co-authored the Housing and Transportation Cost Burden Study.
Since 2017, Margaret has consulted for a range of public and private sector clients, including the City of Burnaby Mayors’ Task Force on Community Housing, the City of New Westminster, and UBC’s Housing & Relocation Services. She was previously employed at Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, BC Non-Profit Housing Association, and a local engineering firm specializing in First Nations planning.
Margaret’s teaching record includes a graduate level course in affordable housing policy and planning at the UBC School of Community and Regional Planning, guest lectures at Langara and SFU, and now an introductory housing policy course through the SFU City Program. Margaret is involved in a number of community organizations.
Upcoming courses taught by Margaret Eberle
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