Jeremy A. Jones

Leadership Essentials

Jeremy Jones comes from the Coast Salish peoples (out of the SNAW-NAW-AS tribe) and Nuu-chah-nulth peoples (out of the Ditidaht tribe), with many other ancestral roots that stretch across Vancouver Island and beyond. Jeremy has been raised in the culture of the Coast Salish people with a deep understanding of the Importance of connection to land, family and traditional knowledge. He has brought this knowledge, along with skills he obtained at the Nicola Valley Institute of Technology’s Chemical Addiction Worker Program, to his work at the Indian Residential School Survivors Society as a Resolution Health Support Worker/ LGBTQ+ liaison. In his work he has been able to center two-spirit indigiqueer (LGBTQ+) voices, from youth to elders, in many different healing movements for Indigenous peoples in B.C. Jeremy has historically worked in sexual health advocacy for Indigenous youth and two-spirit indigiqueer folks.

Jeremy values many different modalities with an emphasis on Indigenous knowledges and practice as well as a focus on trauma-informed care. He is also very cognizant of the fact that many academic modalities and understandings are just reaffirmations of Indigenous knowledge and practices. Additionally, he will utilize ceremony as a path to empathy, understanding and healing. Ultimately Jeremy has a huge respect for diversity not only within Indigenous communities, but all communities, for it is known to him that diversity is important for the continuation of community and family.

Upcoming courses taught by Jeremy A. Jones

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