Honorary Degree Nomination

All material is submitted in confidence. Please do not discuss your nomination with the nominee. The Registrar may contact the nominator should further information be required.

The Senate Committee on University Honours will make recommendations to Senate regarding both the names of individuals to be honoured and the degree to be awarded in each instance. Unfortunately, not all nominations are successful in any given year. The Committee keeps nominations active for a period of three years and additional material may be added to the nomination. If you are submitting more than one nomination, please prioritize your nominations (and submit only those that you believe meet the highest standards). If you require further information, please contact the Registrar as indicated below, or refer to the SCUH website.

Your information

Who you are nominating

My letter of nomination is attached.

In your nomination letter (maximum 2 pages), please address the following:

  • How the nominee personifies the University’s values (please view SFU Values and Committments)
  • What the nominee’s connection is to SFU
  • Why the nominee’s achievements are truly outstanding
  • In what way society has benefitted by this nominee’s contribution
The total size of uploaded attachments can be no larger than 15MB

I am also attaching supporting documents:

  • Curriculm vitae or an outline of the nominee’s achievements, which includes the nominee’s current contact information. 
  • Links to online information or any other appropriate materials, such as news articles, publications, etc.
  • Do not include letters of support.
The total size of uploaded attachments can be no larger than 15MB
The total size of uploaded attachments can be no larger than 15MB
The total size of uploaded attachments can be no larger than 15MB

This nomination will be submitted to:

Tom Nault
Registrar and Executive Director, and Secretary to Senate
Simon Fraser University, MBC 3106 8888
University Drive, Burnaby BC V5A 1S6

Telephone: 778.782.5867
Email:hdegree@sfu.ca and regadmin@sfu.ca