Persons with significant academic, literary, or artistic qualifications whose work may benefit from a residency at the DLC may apply for this non-stipendiary status. The position provides University affiliation, use of the University Library, office space, and membership in facilities. Residents are required to participate in Centre activities by attending lectures, workshops, and colloquia, and presenting and publishing original research. The residency requires affiliation with a SFU faculty mentor. To find an SFU faculty member please consult the Directory of Asia-Related Research at SFU.
Appointments are for a maximum of one year, with the possibility of renewal for an additional year. Applicants should submit a letter of application, a current CV, a research proposal, and a letter of support from a SFU faculty member to

Xiong Jianmin (熊建閩)
Fujian International Business and Economic College
Xiong's research interest has initially focused on the literary translation; now he is shifting to literature and intercultural communication in order to extend his knowledge of translation from another perspective.
Primary SFU faculty contact: Melek Ortabasi, Associate Professor, World Literature Program, Department of Humanities

Yang Zilu [楊子路]
Southwest University, Chongqing, China
Yang specializes in the religious thoughts and history of Chinese philosophy. He will study Daoist rituals from the perspective of anthropology and will aim to bring back some new ideas to the Daoist study in China during and after his stay at SFU.
Primary SFU faculty contact: Paul Crowe, Associate Professor, Department of Humanities