Persons with significant academic, literary, or artistic qualifications whose work may benefit from a residency at the DLC may apply for this non-stipendiary status. The position provides University affiliation, use of the University Library, office space, and membership in facilities. Residents are required to participate in Centre activities by attending lectures, workshops, and colloquia, and presenting and publishing original research. The residency requires affiliation with a SFU faculty mentor. To find an SFU faculty member please consult the Directory of Asia-Related Research at SFU.
Appointments are for a maximum of one year, with the possibility of renewal for an additional year. Applicants should submit a letter of application, a current CV, a research proposal, and a letter of support from a SFU faculty member to

Jeong A (Michelle) Oh (오정아)
Administrative Official in the Secretariat of the National Unification Advisory Council, Republic of Korea
Jeong-a is an government official with the Secretariat of National Unification Advisory Council, Republic of Korea (which is a presidential consultative body on unification of the Korean peninsula). Her research project at SFU's David Lam Centre is "Unification Education for Korean Diaspora Youth".
Her research goal is to develop ideas to make suitable and easy-to-understand unification education content. The main idea is to foster young diasporic Koreans to create their own content concerning unification through their life experience and education. Her research interests include: social integration with hybrid identity as an immigrant; education within and away from the home country; and sharing experiences and ideas concerning unification and peace through on-line new media. The research is conducted by means of interviewing young Korean diasporas, examining public education in Canada, participating in seminars about peace, immigration, diaspora, education and reviewing related text and media materials.
Primary SFU faculty contact: Michael Hathaway, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology & Anthropology