Contact Us

The SFU Retirees Association maintains the following three email groups. To change your email address for these groups, click

SFURA members and non-members alike can send notifications, queries or suggestions to the board.

This forum is for the exchange of information and discussion. It is open only to members of the Association who wish to belong.

New members are automatically included. If you do not wish to receive email from it, click   i You will not be able to send email to this forum if you unsubscribe. To rejoin, click

This is for notices of meetings, social events, guest speakers and general announcements. All SFURA members receive email from this list, but only the board and committee chairs can send.

If you wish to send a notice for distribution to all members, send it to retirees‑ for consideration and forwarding.

Regular members who attempt to send to sfura‑ will get a message like:

Your message to "sfura‑activities" was rejected for the following reason: "" is not on the allowed sender list. 

If you Reply All to mail directed to all members, replace sfura‑ with retirees‑ (for participating members to discuss) to avoid getting the above message. Or, simply Reply or Forward your response.

Mailing Address:

SFU Retirees Association
AQ 3048
8888 University Drive
Burnaby BC V5A 1S6

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