
Membership in the SFURA is automatic for any person retired from employment at SFU as shown by the records of the Human Resources Office. Membership is free as of the vote at the SFURA AGM in Fall 2022.

SFURA Members Parking Passes

  • You no longer need to display a SFURA membership card to park for free on the Burnaby campus.
  • The Parking Office now has an Online Retirees Permit System for Burnaby campus parking. If you park on campus, you are asked to email and request to be registered. Give your name and licence plate(s) — up to two allowed. 
  • If you subsequently change any of your plates, you are asked to let know.
  • Please note, you can park in any unreserved (first come first served) spot in any parking lot.

Parking at UBC
If you are a retired faculty member, you may be eligible for a reciprocal Emeritus parking arrangement with UBC. If you need an SFURA membership card to prove that you are eligible for an SFU Emeritus parking permit, please email

Other Membership Categories

  • The surviving spouse of a deceased retiree is eligible to become a member.
  • The Board also accepts applications from former employees who left SFU before retirement, and any others who worked at SFU and were paid from other funds such as research grants. Please email if you think you might be eligible.

Email Lists

We manage three email lists:

  • is used by SFURA board members to send announcements to over 1300 retirees. This list automatically includes the email addresses of all SFU retirees.
  • is used by Board members to send more frequent information about upcoming happenings, and/or to send messages to your nonSFU email address if that's your preference.  If you're not already on this list, click on to join it.
  • is used by members to exchange views and information with each other. If you're not already on this list, click on to  join it.

Change of Email Address

If you have changed or updated your email address and would like to stay in contact, please update your information by email to


e SFU Retirees Association
AQ 3048
Simon Fraser University
8888 University Drive
Burnaby BC V5A 1S6