Canadian Real Estate - Dangers & Strategies
This seminar is one in the continuing series presented by SFURA's Financial Interest Group.
Time & Place: Tuesday, May 21st, Noon to 1:30, Room 114 at the Halpern Centre, Burnaby Campus.
Presenter: Aman Bhangu, VP of Research at Pacifica Partners - Capital Management
With interest rates at generational lows, Canadian consumer debt at record levels, and a decade of rapid real estate appreciation behind us, how should a retirement portfolio be structured for the next 20 years?
This seminar provides an understanding of the health of the Canadian real estate market, its impact on Canadian consumers, as well as the risks it implies on retirement portfolios.
The seminar will address the following:
1) Canadian real estate valuation and risk.
2) Interest rate and demographic trends.
3) Canadian vs. US real estate.
4) Generating investment income from REITS.
5) Real estate as a part of your retirement strategy.
About the presenter:
Aman is a Chartered Financial Analyst, an SFU Alumni - BSc (Math) 2000, GDBA 2003, MBA 2006. In addition, Aman served on the SFU Alumni Board of Directors and is a former SFU employee from SFU's Office of Institutional Research and Planning.
We welcome all members of the SFU community; the talk is free and requires no registration.

You may download the Risks of Canadian Real Estate Investing presentation by Aman Bhangu.