Join a Group

Group counselling is a great way to find support for issues that affect you. Explore our list of options and sign up, refer yourself, or drop in to connect with others.

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    Better Coping Skills

    Anxiety, Stress

    Better Coping Skills is a program offered to students who want to improve their well-being.

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    Garden Therapy for Self-Care

    Stress, Anxiety, Currently Offered

    While engaging in self-care can help reduce the effects of stress, horticulture therapy (garden therapy) activities provide a fun and comforting way to achieve similar outcomes.

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    Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)

    Stress, Mindfulness, Chronic Pain, Physical

    The MBSR support group is designed for individuals experiencing stress, including stress resulting from chronic physical and psychological conditions.

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    Mindfulness Meditation

    Mindfulness, Currently Offered, Anxiety, Stress, Focus Balance, Self-Compassion

    Connect with your body, relax your mind, and discover tools for bringing more calm and ease into your life.

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    Self Regulation: Practical Tools for Mood, Stress & Anxiety


    A support group to learn about behavioral activation, anxiety and depression.

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    Stress 101: Navigating Low Mood & Anxiety

    Anxiety, Stress, Depression

    A counselling group for students experiencing anxiety and stress.