How to Apply for Exchange Course Evaluation

Questions? Join us for the How to Apply for Exchange Course Evaluation info session: Feb 13 @ 12:30pm

Students who participate in an official SFU Exchange program at one of SFU’s partner institutions, can apply to earn “exchange units” for courses taken abroad toward their SFU degree, as long as:

  1. You pass the course according to your host institution’s definition of ‘pass’
  2. It is deemed by SFU to be an academic, credit-bearing course and is listed on your official transcript from your host institution
  3. It is not a duplicate of a course you have already completed
  4. You apply for exchange course evaluations prior to your graduation

Requesting Exchange Credit  

You can begin your exchange course applications as soon as you have finalized your course schedules —i.e. do not anticipate any changes/drops. You are encouraged to submit course requests before returning to SFU as processing generally takes a term, and may be needed for future term enrollment, pre-requisites, graduation deadlines etc. Early submission is encouraged while you have access to your host institution course systems and materials. 

1. Check if your course is pre-evaluated

All Courses (Except Business)  Business Courses

If your course has been pre-evaluated in the Exchange Course Equivalency Catalogue, please proceed with the 2 steps below.

1. Log in to the Study Abroad System and look for a match in the Exchange Course Evaluations tab.

2. Select “+ Add” to have it added to your Course Request list for approval.

Your course request submission is complete. Proceed to step 3 and monitor your application progress. 

No match found?
Proceed to table 2a below. 

Contact with any questions. 

Check the Beedie Course Planning Database for equivalencies and pre-evaluations. 

Match found?
If you find an exact match and your Business course is pre-assessed, continue to step 2a.

No match found?
Proceed to table 2b below.

Contact with any questions. 

2a. NEW Course Evaluation Request or Pre-assessed Business Course

For any non-Business courses not previously assessed—or where you would like to request a re-assessment, you must collect documentation and submit a request for each course you would like to receive exchange credit for.

NEW Course Evaluation Pre-assessed Business Course

1. Log into the Study Abroad System and click the “Exchange Course Evaluations” header. Then click My Exchange Course Evaluations tab to click “Request New Exchange Course Evaluation”.

2. Complete fields as applicable.  Select "Other" for your course request to populate fields.

3. Upload the original course syllabus issued by your instructor as one pdf file containing the below course details. Please see this Sample Course Syllabus as a reference guide.

  • Institution name
  • Course code and title
  • Credit value at host institution
  • Instructor's name & contact details
  • Course objectives (not learning outcomes)
  • Term offered & weeks of duration (i.e. course dates)
  • Contact hours per week (i.e. lecture; lab; tutorial)
  • Schedule of weekly lecture topics and assigned readings
  • Method of evaluation and grading
  • Textbooks, reading lists used
  • Course pre-requisites (if applicable)

Note: Retain course materials (assignments, notes, etc.) in case further documentation is needed. Certain departments may require further documentation; this will be noted in the system if applicable. If the requested information is not in the syllabus, reach out to your instructor for more information/confirmation. 

1. Ensure course equivalency is available on the Beedie Course Planning Database.

2. Match found? 
Log into the Study Abroad System. Click the “Exchange Course Evaluations” header. Then click My Exchange Course Evaluations tab to click “Request New Exchange Course Evaluation”.

3. Department Pre-assessment
Select "Yes, exact course match is listed in the Beedie Course Planning Database."

4. Complete remaining fields as applicable. 

- Select “Suggested SFU Subject #1” as Business, and add the requested course information.
- Select "Other" for your course request. Add your pre-approved BUS course. 

No original syllabus will be required for this request.

2b. Business Course Evaluation (New Request)

If your course is pre-assessed in the Beedie Course Planning Database please follow instructions for 2a. above. 

Non-Business Student Business Student

If the course you wish to take is not on the Beedie Course Planning Database, e-mail the Beedie Study Abroad Advisor at including the following: student name, ID, term, course number, course title, host institution name, SFU course equivalency request, program type (exchange or short term)

You will be required to submit your course syllabus and exchange information. 
If the course you wish to take is not on the Beedie Course Planning Database, create an evaluation request in the Beedie Tracs System.

After the course has been approved and displayed on the Beedie Course Planning Database, follow step 2a. 

Contact with any questions about Business course evaluations. 

3. Monitor Your Application Progress

You can follow the status of your requests under the "My Exchange Course Evaluations" tab in the Study Abroad System.  Please take action when requested to avoid further delays in processing.  
You will see one of the following statuses, and notes within the application if applicable for each submission:

PENDING 1  ISS Review: Status upon course evaluation submission—ISS has not yet reviewed the request.
INCOMPLETE  Student Application: Your application is missing documentation, needs more information, or requires further clarification before ISS can process. Please contact ISS for any questions regarding your missing documentation.
PENDING 2 Dept Evaluation: ISS has submitted your request for departmental review.
APPROVED APPROVED: Dept Evaluation (Pending ISS Verification process, this requires ISS to receive and verify your official host institution transcript.)
[Click into application to view result.] Pending ISS Verification process, this requires ISS to receive and verify your official host institution transcript.
NOT APPROVED 1 Dept Evaluation: The department did not approve SFU credit and ISS will submit your course evaluation to another department if suggested in your initial request. If there is no further department suggested, we will contact you.
NOT APPROVED 2 No Credit/Failing Grade This course will not receive exchange credit due to a failing grade or it was not evaluated for SFU credit.
CREDIT AWARDED Exchange Credit applied to your SFU academic record.
WITHDRAWN Evaluation withdrawn (by student or staff), not being considered.

4. Exchange Credit on Academic Record

Confirm with your host institution prior to your departure how and when the official transcript will be sent to ISS. Delivery is often at least  1-2 months post-exchange (based on host institution's term dates).

These are the accepted formats:

  • Digital PDF: Secured, certified, and emailed by the host institution to
  • Online System: Secured, certified file (e.g. OpenCerts), accessible to ISS through the host institution’s system. This can also be sent by you or the host institution to
  • Hard Copy (if sole option): Mailed from the host institution directly in a sealed envelope to ISS:

Program Assistant - Exchange Credit
International Services for Students
Simon Fraser University
MBC 1200 - 8888, University Drive,
Burnaby, British Columbia, V5A 1S6 CANADA

Exchange credits are applied to your SFU academic record once:

  • Your official host institution transcript has been received and verified
  • All requested courses have been evaluated
  • You met passing grade requirements. SFU units will not be awarded for non-passed courses. 

Credit will be applied to your SFU academic record after course evaluations are completed and receipt of the official transcript by ISS. You must meet the host institution’s passing grade requirements for credit. 

For graduate applications or other purposes, ensure you order additional transcripts for your records and potential use such as future applications.

Processing Times

The exchange credit process generally takes up to one term or longer, in some cases. Delays can happen for various reasons, such as missing course syllabus details, extended departmental reviews, delays in receving or errors on your host institution transcript, and/or high processing volumes. If your course request has an "incomplete" status please review the "ISS Exchange Credit Notes" for further details, to avoid processing delays. If you have any questions, please email