Zhang, Richard (Hao)
Professor, School of Computing Science
Ph.D., Computer Science, University of Toronto, Canada, 2003
M.Math., Computer Science, University of Waterloo, Canada, 1997
B.Math., Faculty of Mathematics, University of Waterloo, Canada, 1995
Research interests
- Geometry processing
- Computer graphics
- Shape modeling and analysis
Teaching interests
- Computer graphics
- Geometry modeling and processing
- Computer animation
Recently taught courses
- CMPT 464/764 Geometric modeling in computer graphics
- CMPT 466 Computer animation
- CMPT 361 Introduction to computer graphics
Selected recent publications
- Kai Xu, Hanlin Zheng, Hao Zhang, Daniel Cohen-Or, Ligang Liu, and Yueshan Xiong, "Photo-Inspired Model-Driven 3D Object Modeling," ACM Trans. on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2011), 2011.
- Oliver van Kaick, Hao Zhang, Ghassan Hamarneh, Daniel Cohen-Or, "A Survey on Shape Correspondence," Computer Graphics Forum (extended version of Eurographics STAR), in press, 2011.
- Kai Xu, Honghua Li, Hao Zhang, Daniel Cohen-Or, Yueshan Xiong, and Zhiquan Cheng, "Style-Content Separation by Anisotropic Part Scales," ACM Trans. on Graphics (Proceeding of SIGGRAPH Asia 2010), Volume 29, Number 6, pp. 184:1-184:10, 2010.
- Kai Xu, Hao Zhang, Andrea Tagliasacchi, Ligang Liu, Guo Li, Min Meng, and Yueshan Xiong, "Partial Intrinsic Reflectional Symmetry of 3D Shapes," ACM Trans. on Graphics (Proceeding of SIGGRAPH Asia 2009), Article 138.
- Andrea Tagliasacchi, Hao Zhang, and Daniel Cohen-Or, "Curve Skeleton Extraction from Incomplete Point Cloud," ACM Trans. on Graphics (Proceeding of SIGGRAPH 2009), Volume 28, Number 3, Article 71, 9 pages.
For more information visit www.cs.sfu.ca/~haoz/papers.html.
Listing on the DBLP CS Bibliography Server.