
Yagiz Aksoy, Assistant Professor

Area: Computational photography, computer graphics, computer vision and deep learning

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Saba Alimadadi, Assistant Professor

Area: Software engineering

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Ouldooz Baghban Karimi, Lecturer
Chair, Computing Science Diversity Committee

Area: Data & Networks

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Area: Instruction

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Andrei Bulatov, Professor

Area: Constraint Satisfaction, Complexity of Computation

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Area: Information Visualization

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Angel Chang, Associate Professor 

Area: Natural Language Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Graphics

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Wuyang Chen, Assistant Professor

Area:  Deep LearningScientific Machine Learning, Computer Vision

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Parmit Chilana, Associate Professor

Area: Human-Computer Interaction

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Ryan C.N. D'Arcy, Professor

Area: Neuroscience

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John Edgar, Senior Lecturer
Undergrad Program Committee Chair

Area: Instruction

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Eugene Fiume, Professor
Dean of Applied Sciences

Area: Computer Graphics

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Yasutaka Furukawa, Associate Professor

Area: Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Computer Graphics & Computational Photography

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Qianping Gu, Professor

Area: Network Communications and Algorithms

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Mohamed Hefeeda, Professor

Area: Computer Networks, Multimedia Communications

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Area: Human-Computer Interaction, Human-Robot Interaction

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Anne Lavergne, Senior Lecturer

Area: Instruction

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Linyi Li, Assistant Professor

Area: Deep learning, Trustworthy machine learning and computer security, Large language models, Software engineering

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Angelica Lim, Assistant Professor of Professional Practice

Area: Human Robot Interaction

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Felix Lo, Limited Term Lecturer

Area: Social and Ethical Critique of AI, Human-AI Symbiosis, Indigenous AI, Critical Philosophy of Technology, Non-western Philosophy of Technology

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Ali Mahdavi-Amiri, Assistant Professor of Professional Practice
Program chair and Director, Master's in Professional Computer Science

Area: Visual computing, computer graphics, artificial intelligence

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Zhengjie Miao, Assistant Professor

Area: Database Systems, Data Management, Data Curation and Integration, Data Provenance

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David Mitchell, Associate Professor

Area: Constraint satisfaction, Algorithms for deduction and other reasoning tasks

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Jian Pei, Professor

Area: Databases and Data Mining

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Fred Popowich, Professor

Area: Computational Linguistics and Logic Programming

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Anoop Sarkar, Professor

Area: Computational Linguistics; Machine Learning; Probabilistic Grammars and Formal language theory

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Oliver Schulte, Professor
Director, School of Computing Science

Area: Machine Learning, Computational Logic, Computational Decision Theory

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IGOR SHINKAR, ASSociate Professor

Area: Computational complexity

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Harinder Singh Khangura, Senior Lecturer

Area: Instruction

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Andrea Tagliasacchi, Associate Professor
Chair, Visual Computing Research

Area: Computer Vision, Computer Graphics, Deep Learning

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Sharan Vaswani, Assistant Professor

Area: Machine learning, Optimization, Reinforcement Learning

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Keval Vora, Associate Professor

Area: Parallel & Distributed Computing, Irregular Big Data Processing and High Performance Computing

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Tao Wang, Assistant Professor

Area: Machine Learning, Computer Security

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Yuepeng Wang, Assistant Professor

Area: Programming Languages

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Kay C. Wiese, Professor
Software Systems Chair and Program Director

Area: Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Evolutionary Computation, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning, Visualization

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Cynthia Xie, Senior Lecturer

Area: Mandarin Chinese Instruction for the Dual Degree Program

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KangKang Yin, Associate Professor

Area: Computer Animation, Computer Graphics, Humanoid Robotics, Machine Learning, Multimedia Analysis

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Alaa Alameldeen, Associate Professor 

Area: Computer architecture, computer systems, memory systems/security

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Matt Amy, Assistant Professor

Area: Quantum Computing 

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Greg Baker, LECTURER

Area: Instruction

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Steven Bergner

Area: Machine Learning 

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Robert Cameron, Professor

Area: Compiler Technology; Parallel Processing

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Bobby Chan, LECTURER

Area: Instruction

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Mo Chen, Associate Professor

Area:  Robotics and Autonomous Systems

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Victor Cheung, Lecturer

Area: Human-computer interaction, interface and interaction design

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Diana Cukierman, University Lecturer

Area: Instruction

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Toby Donaldson, Senior Lecturer
Associate Director, Academic Administration

Area: Instruction

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Martin Ester, Professor

Area: Databases and Data Mining

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Brian Fraser, Senior Lecturer

Area: Instruction

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Uwe Glässer, Professor

Area: Software Technology, Distributed Communication Architectures

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Ghassan Hamarneh, Professor

Area: Medical Image Analysis (Computational/Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Image Processing)

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Valentine Kabanets, Professor

Area: Complexity of Computation, Automata and Logic

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Area: Systems and Software Engineering

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Ke Li, Assistant Professor

Area: Machine learning, Computer Vision

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Maxwell Libbrecht, Associate Professor

Area: Computational Biology and Machine Learning

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Jiangchuan (JC) Liu, Professor

Area: Networking and multimedia communications

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Hang Ma, Assistant Professor

Area: Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Multi-Agent/Robot Systems, Machine Learning

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Area: Programming Languages

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Steven Pearce, Lecturer

Area: Instruction, Computational Applied Mathematics, Quantum Computing

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Area: Reinforcement Learning, Computer Animation, Robotics

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Janice Regan, Senior Lecturer

Area: Instruction

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Manolis Savva, Associate Professor

Area: Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, Deep Learning

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Thomas C. Shermer, Professor

Area: Computational Geometry and Computer Graphics

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Arrvindh Shriraman, Associate Professor

Area: Systems architecture, hardware-software interactions, parallelism, sychronization and imporoving software reliability within specialized fields.

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William (Nick) Sumner, Associate Professor

Area: Software Development, Debugging

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Eugenia Ternovska, Associate Professor

Area: Logical in Computer Science, Descriptive Complexity

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Nicholas Vincent, Assistant Professor

Area: Human-Computer Interaction, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning

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Jiannan Wang, Associate Professor

Area: Database Systems and Big Data

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Ke Wang, Professor

Area: Databases, Data Mining

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Tianzheng Wang, Associate Professor
CHAIR, DDP/Partnership Programs Committee 

Area: Database Systems, Parallel and Distributed Systems

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Jianliang Wu, Assistant Professor

Area: Systems Security and Privacy, Formal Analysis, Machine Learning Security and Privacy

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Xing-Dong Yang, Associate Professor

Area: Human-Computer Interaction

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Richard (Hao) Zhang, Professor

Area: Computer Graphics; Geometric Modelling

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Ryan Shea, Assistant Professor