Ryan Shea
- PhD in Computing Science, Simon Fraser University, 2016
- BSc in Computing Science, Simon Fraser University, 2010
Research interests
- Cloud Computing
- Cloud Gaming
- Computer and Network Virtualization
- Energy Efficient Computing
- Big Data Systems
Selected Publications
- Shea, Ryan, Di Fu, and Jiangchuan Liu. "Cloud Gaming: Understanding the Support From Advanced Virtualization and Hardware." Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, IEEE Transactions on 25, no. 12 (2015): 2026-2037.
- Shea, Ryan, Feng Wang, Haiyang Wang, and Jiangchuan Liu. "A deep investigation into network performance in virtual machine based cloud environments." In INFOCOM, 2014 Proceedings IEEE, pp. 1285-1293. IEEE, 2014.
- Shea, Ryan, Haiyang Wang, and Jiangchuan Liu. "Power consumption of virtual machines with network transactions: Measurement and improvements." In INFOCOM, 2014 Proceedings IEEE, pp. 1051-1059. IEEE, 2014.
- Shea, Ryan, Jiangchuan Liu, Edith Ngai, and Yong Cui. "Cloud gaming: architecture and performance." Network, IEEE 27, no. 4 (2013): 16-21.
- Shea, Ryan, and Jiangchuan Liu. "Understanding the impact of denial of service attacks on virtual machines." In Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE 20th International Workshop on Quality of Service, p. 27. IEEE Press, 2012. Won Best Student Paper Award
Personal webpage: https://sfucloud.ca/ryan/index.php/about/ |