Uwe Glässer

Professor, School of Computing Science


Email:  glaesser@cs.sfu.ca
Office:  TASC1 9239
Web:  www.cs.sfu.ca/~glaesser/


Habilitation, 1999, Doctorate, 1992, Diploma (M.Sc.) 1987, all in Computer Science, Paderborn University, Germany

Research interests

  • Cyber Security
  • Maritime Security
  • Crime Data Analysis
  • Situational Awareness
  • Formal Engineering Methods

Recently taught courses

  • CMPT 318 Cybersecurity
  • CMPT 982 Cyber Security Analytics

Selected recent publications

  • F. Movafagh and U. Glässer.  Cyber Situational Awareness of Critical Infrastructure Security Threats. The Eighth International Conference on Cyber-Technologies and Cyber-Systems, CYBER 2023, Porto, Portugal (2023).
  • M. Keramati, M.A. Tayebi, Z. Zohrevand, U. Glässer, J. Anzieta, and G. Williams-Jones, Cubism: Co-Balanced Mixup for Unsupervised Volcano-Seismic Knowledge Transfer. European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, 16 pp, ECML-PKDD, Grenoble, France (2022).
  • M. Keramati, Z. Zohrevand, and U. Glässer. Norma: A Hybrid Feature Alignment for Class-Aware Unsupervised Domain Adaptation. 30th ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management, pp 833–843, ACM (2021).
  • A. Yaghoubi Shahir, T. Charalampous, M. A. Tayebi, U. Glässer, and H. Wehn. TripTracker: Unsupervised Learning of Fishing Vessel Routine Activity Patterns. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, pages 1928–1939, IEEE (2021).
  • S. Arasteh, M.A.Tayebi, Z. Zohrevand, U. Glässer, A. Yaghoubi Shahir, P. Saeedi, and H. Wehn. Fishing Vessels Activity Detection from Longitudinal AIS Data. ACM SIGSPATIAL’20, International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, Seattle, WA, USA (2020).
  • Z. Zohrevand and U. Glässer. Dynamic Attack Scoring Using Distributed Local Detectors. 45th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, IEEE Signal Processing Society, Barcelona, Spain, 2892-2896 (2020).
  • Z. Zohrevand, U. Glässer, M.A. Tayebi, H. Yaghoubi Shahir, M. Shirmaleki, and A. Yaghoubi Shahir. Deep-Learning Based Forecasting of Critical Infrastructure Data. 26th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Singapore (2017).
  • M.A. Tayebi and U. Glässer. Social Network Analysis in Predictive Policing: Concepts, Models and Methods. Lecture Notes In Social Networks, Springer, October (2016).
  • M.A. Tayebi, U. Glässer, M. Ester, and P.L. Brantingham. Personalized Crime Location Prediction. European J. of Applied Mathematics, vol. 27, 422–450, Cambridge University Press (2016).

Listing on the DBLP CS Bibliography Server.