Chris Corrigan

Dialogue and Civic Engagement

Chris Corrigan is a highly experienced facilitation consultant who has designed and co-hosted dozens of Open Space Technology trainings since 1999 with Birgitt Williams, Michael Herman, David Stevenson, Wendy Farmer O’Neill, Tenneson Woolf and others and has led over 120 Open Space Technology meetings in all kinds of settings.

Many of his publications have been about Open Space, including a book on the Tao of Holding Space and a co-edited collection of conversations with Michael Herman called “Open Space Technology: A User’s NON-Guide.” In 2001, with Laurel Doersam, he co-hosted the ninth annual international Open Space on Open Space conference in Vancouver.

Chris co-hosts Art of Hosting workshops every year and uses these patterns, practices and methodologies in the work he continues to do with communities, businesses and organizations.

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