Parking Rates

Parking Rate Adjustment

As of September 1, 2024, parking rates at the Burnaby have changed.

Find out more here


If you prefer to pay parking by the hour you can pay at on-site pay stations (Visa and Mastercard only, no cash or coins accepted) or easily online via the Honk Contactless Parking system (Payable with Visa, Mastercard, Visa Debit, or Paypal).

Using Honk, there’s no app download required and the system should be able to recognize the lot you’re in by your current location if location sharing permissions are on. All you have to do is sign up to register your vehicle, and purchase parking. Note that the provider charges a transaction fee.

If you do not allow location sharing permissions for Honk, you will need to know the zone number of the parking lot you are in. The zone will be displayed on Honk signage in each lot with accompanying QR codes.

Hourly Rate Overview

Rates below include 24% Translink tax and 5% GST.
If paying via Honk, the provider charges a transaction fee. 

  Hourly Daily Max
Monday to Friday
$4.50 $18.00
Monday to Friday - North Lot
$5.75 $28.75
Evenings & Weekends
(Evening Rates in Effect Weekdays After 6:00PM)
$4.50 $9.00
Residence West Lot (Early Bird arriving before 10:00AM)
$4.50 $9.00


If you are driving to the Burnaby campus on average 1-2 days a week, your best option may be the FlexPass multipack - with 10 daily permits for $75.00. Note that the provider charges a transaction fee on top of this amount. Note that the provider charges a transaction fee on top of this amount.

Mobile App Access

The FlexPass is accessible online, and via the HonkMobile App from the App store or Google Play store. You will need to create a free account if you are not already registered with HonkMobile.

Permit Rates

The following are the monthly rates for permit parking at SFU. For semesterly rates (students) multiply by four (4) and for annual rates (faculty/staff) multiply by twelve (12).

For residents of SFU Residence & Housing at the Burnaby campus, overnight and long-term parking is available through our Residence Lots. 
Click Here for Student Resident Parking

 For non-standard permits such as Contractor, Garden Club, Pipe Band, etc. please contact Parking and Sustainable Mobility Services directly.

Permit Rate Structure (As of September 1, 2024 - See Above)



Pre-Tax Monthly Rate

Total Monthly Rate

Tier 1a   

Central Parkade Reserved Lot (Faculty and Staff Only)



Tier 2

East Parking Reserved; North Parking Reserved



Tier 2a

Indoor Permits (West Parkade & South Parkade P1/P2,
& East Parking, North Parking, South Parking, & Residence West Lot)



Tier 3

Library Lot; Facilities Lot; Water Tower Lot; Discovery 2 Lot



Tier 3a

Outdoor Permits (East Parking, North Parking, South Parking, & Residence West Lot); Contractor Permits



Tier 3b

Residence West Lot



Select “non-standard” Permits - Monthly (X4 for Semester rates):





After Tax

(Valid only in designated Motorcycle Spaces in the West Parkade, South Parkade, East Lot & North Lot. )



Evening & Weekend
(Valid Monday to Thursday after 3:00pm and all day Friday, Saturday, Sundays and Holidays. Valid only in Outdoor Lots - No roaming privileges)

