Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRA)
You may be eligible for the following two programs aimed at supporting undergraduate researchers.
1. NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award (Research Assistant)
Our undergraduate students can apply for summer jobs working with Engineering Science faculty on real research. These positions are sponsored by NSERC, a Federal Government agency that supports university students in the pursuit of discovery research while fostering innovation.
Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRA) are aimed at stimulating your interest in research in engineering and the natural sciences. If you would like to gain research work experience that complements your studies in an academic setting, these awards can provide you with a funded position in SFU Engineering Science. These positions can also give you real advantages for future awards: 70% of past USRA students went on to win NSERC Graduate Awards that paid for their graduate education.
2. VPR Undergraduate Student Research Award (Research Assistant)
SFU's Vice-President Research has provided funding for an award program entitled “Vice-President, Research Undergraduate Student Research Awards” (VPR USRA) for students in the Faculties of Science and Applied Sciences. If students do not meet the eligibility criteria for an NSERC USRA, they may be eligible for a VPR USRA. (For example, international students, or students wishing to work with a faculty member whose research support is not from NSERC). All rules for holding the award remain the same and eligibility criteria and application process can be found on the VPR website.
USRA Positions Available
Undergraduate students who wish to participate in the USRA, please check out the positions currently being offered by the participating Engineering Science faculty members below.
Michael Adachi
Ivan Bajic
Glenn Chapman
Bonnie Grey
Pierre Lane
Daniel Lee
Shahram Payandeh
Contact information: shahram_payandeh@sfu.ca
Shawn Sederberg
Please visit http://www.sfu.ca/~msederbe/join_us.html for updated descriptions.
Contact information: msederbe@sfu.ca