Support for Learning: CUPE Staff
There are a number of professional development opportunities for CUPE Employees at SFU.
Learning Opportunities Fund (LOF)
The purpose of the LOF is to enable employees to access Job Related Courses (courses, seminars, workshops or conferences, excluding University credit courses) that will enhance each employee's performance and develop her/his skills and abilities.
- Letter of Agreement
- LOF Application
CUPE Professional Development Fund (NEW)
The PD learning system is in the process of being updated with 2024 entitlements and may not reflect the final amount of entitlement. Finalized amounts are expected by mid-January 2024. Employees should review the entitlements per their collective agreement prior to making expenditures or submitting claims.
Information about eligible items and submitting claims is available here.
Check your account balance here: (login, and under Staff Resources, click on Professional Development Expenses).
This is a new fund that supports CUPE employees to pursue professional development opportunities or purchase computer-related equipment that will support their learning and development.
The fund is for continuing employees as well as temporary employees who are in appointments that are 365 days or longer.
Eligible continuing and temporary employees will receive $1,450 provided they are employed as of January 1, 2024.
Those who are eligible for funding as of January 1, 2024, may submit expenses for the period of Sept 1 to Dec 31, 2023 that align with the periods in which they held a temporary or continuing CUPE appointment with SFU. The expense claim process will begin in 2024 when the new fund administration is up and running.
Employee Training and Development
Departments are encouraged to provide on-the-job training for employees to upgrade their skills and knowledge.
Tuition Waiver
Tuition for SFU credit courses is waived for Continuing CUPE Employees and their Dependents.
In-House courses and workshops offered through Human Resources
Human Resources offers a number of courses each semester on a variety of topics designed to meet the learning needs of staff.