Management Staff Information
The mission of Meeting, Event and Conference Services (MECS) is to provide an environment in which clients achieve a very productive meeting and conference experience.
Shannon De Groot
Director | Meeting, Event, and Conference Services
Parking & Sustainable Mobility Services provides the necessary parking facilities and services in support of the day-to-day operations, activities, and community events of the SFU community and visitors, while embracing sustainability.
David Agosti
Director | Parking & Sustainable Mobility Services
The mission of Food is to make available well-balanced, nutritional food options to the campus community at competitive prices and to provide these services in welcoming venues that promote social engagement.
Dan Traviss
Director | Food
The mission of the Bookstore is to supply new, used, custom, and digital course materials in support of the academic mission of the University and to supply SFU branded supplies, clothing, gifts, and memorabilia to promote the image of the University.
Joel Mills
Director | Bookstore & Spirit Shop | Document Solutions
Document Solutions strives to provide efficient and cost-effective document and digital media services for the SFU community. Its primary purpose is to support academic departments in the production of learning materials and scanning of exams, and to support administrative document production and management needs.
Joel Mills
Director | Bookstore & Spirit Shop | Document Solutions
Ayumi Orgar
Manager, Finance | Ancillary Services
The Community Vibrancy Project strives to create a welcoming and animated campus for students, nurture school spirit and provide opportunities for students to connect with one another.
Jessica Jutras
Project Manager | Community Vibrancy