Leaders from SFU Inspire Fair Trade Campus Week
SEPT 25 - SEPT 29, 2017
Simon Fraser University is calling on the local community to choose products that change lives and support Fairtrade to drive much-needed change for farmers in the Global South. Having the perfect cup of tea or a snack is an important part of our daily routine, yet millions of farmers who produce the foods we enjoy are struggling to make a living.
Fair Trade Campus Week is an annual campaign that runs during the last week of September. Leaders across Canada will be using the #FTCampus hashtag to spread the word about their activities and the national fair trade movement.
Mélissa Dubé, Outreach and Marketing Manager for Fairtrade Canada said: “Campuses across the country come together to demand ethical trade and social justice. Their passion and commitment contribute to sustainable changes for farmers in terms of long term commercial relationships with companies. We invite everyone, from campuses, to retailers, to businesses, to towns, to schools, to individuals, to make a conscious choice by demanding Fairtrade products. Products that reflect their values.”
What’s happening during the week at SFU Burnaby Campus:
All week – 99 cent Fairtrade coffee at Mackenzie Café and Discovery. Check out “SFUfairtrade” on Instagram for daily giveaways
Monday, Sept 25th - Fair trade giveaway & trivia. From 12-3 near Mackenzie Cafe
Tuesday, Sept 26th - Fairtrade t-shirt signing. From 12-2 outside the bookstore
Wednesday, Sept 27th - Fairtrade banana giveaway & CJSF interviews. Starting at 12, look for the Gorilla walking around campus.
Thursday, Sept 28th - Worlds Largest Fair Trade Bake Sale. From 12-3 outside Mackenzie Cafe & in Convocation Mall
Friday, Sept 29th - Fair trade giveaway & trivia. From 12-3 near Dining Hall.
“The food on our tables, the tea and coffee in our mugs, all come from farmers who work hard but are not paid what they deserve. Join us as we celebrate and promote fair trade at SFU”. SFU Fair Trade Team
For more information about the campaign and how to get involved, contact fair_trade@sfu.ca