AEP Readings and Helpful Links

For the AEP assignment, if you have not found an appropriate workshop to attend, find here some possible readings and activities that you can read/watch/work on (to later report as described in your assignment). You can also choose a relevant reading no included below; in that case please contact the AEP program coordinator, Diana Cukierman, to have it pre-approved.

Handouts from the SFU Student Learning Commons and other material

Learning Resources referenced by the SFU Student Learning Commons.

Oher useful links

- SFU Library, Computing Science Resources Page, e.g.:  'Computing for Ordinary Mortals' St. Amant (2013). Call Number: QA 76 S7375 2013

-Khan Academy Online Videos:

-Massachusetts Institute of Technology OpenCourseWare (Recorded Lectures, Sample Exercises/Exams, and more) :

-The SFU Student Learnign Commons (SLC): All SFU students are welcome to visit the Student Learning Commons for free and friendly consultations, workshops, and resources on academic writing, study skills, quantitative learning strategies, and English language speaking and listening:

-----Student Learning Commons services in-person and online: online:

-----Offered by SLC:

----- SLC Workshops:

You may also want to visit the Health and Counselling Services  for additional resources.

Adapting to Covid 19 - BC Campus resources


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