Shannon J. Linning

Assistant Professor
School of Criminology
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences


Shannon J. Linning, PhD, is an assistant professor in the School of Criminology at Simon Fraser University. She earned her doctorate in criminal justice with a specialization in crime prevention from the University of Cincinnati. Her current research explores how the owners and managers of property can create safer neighbourhoods by suppressing crime opportunities at and around their properties.

Linning's work appears in journals including British Journal of Criminology, Crime Science, and Journal of Quantitative Criminology. She is also the co-author of books, including Whose ‘Eyes on the Street’ Control Crime? Expanding Place Management into Neighborhoods and Place Management and Crime: Ownership and Property Rights as a Source of Social Control. She is currently working on a problem-oriented policing book. It will guide police on how to re-think problems and reduce crime by partnering with those in city management, urban planning, property development, business, and real estate.


Environmental criminology; crime and place; crime prevention; crime science; place management; urban redevelopment; community criminology.


  • BA, MA (SFU)
  • PhD, (University of Cincinnati)


Please contact to inquire about potential supervision.

Selected Publications

  • Linning, S.J. & Eck, J.E. (2023). Race-based real estate practices and spuriousness in community criminology: Was the Chicago School part of a self-fulfilling prophecy? Criminal Justice Review, in press.
  • Eck, J.E., Linning, S.J., & Herold, T.D. (2023). Place management and crime: Ownership and property rights as a source of social control. Springer Publishers.
  • Papp, J. & Linning, S.J. (2022). Examining whether practical measures of neighborhood characteristics improve correctional risk assessment tools. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 49(9), 1359-1375.
  • Linning, S.J., Olaghere, A., & Eck, J.E. (2022). Say NOPE to social disorganization criminology: The role of creators in neighborhood social control. Crime Science11(5), 1-11.
  • Linning, S.J., & Barnes, J.C. (2022). Third-party crime reporting: Examining the effects of social cohesion and confidence in police effectiveness. Journal of Crime and Justice, 45(1), 39-54.
  • Linning, S.J., Silver, I.A., & Papp, J. (2022). Exploring the correspondence between general correctional programming and inmate misconduct using a time-course framework. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 66(2-3), 209-226.
  • Linning, S.J. & Eck, J.E. (2021). Whose ‘eyes on the street’ control crime? Expanding place management into neighborhoods. Cambridge University Press.
  • Linning, S.J. & Silver, I.A. (2021). Crime fluctuations in response to hurricane evacuations: Understanding the time-course of crime opportunities during Hurricane Harvey. Natural Hazards Review, 22(3), 04021023.

Selected awards

  • Civic Innovation Lab Grant (2023): “Building Safer Communities in Burnaby: Addressing Gun and Gang Violence” with Evan McCuish, Zachary Rowan, Jennifer Wong, Martin Bouchard, and Holly Nguyen
  • SSHRC Small Explore Grant (2022): “Clarifying the Neighborhood Unit for Criminology”
  • Nominated (2023): Cormack Excellence in Teaching Award
  • Nominated (2022): Michael J. Hindelang Outstanding Book Award granted through the American Society of Criminology

Professional Development

  • Blended Learning Design (2023)
  • Instructional Skills Workshop (2022)
  • Emerging Thought Leaders Program (2022)

Recently taught courses

  • CRIM 220: Research Methods in Criminology
  • CRIM 318: Police Strategies & Problem-Solving
  • CRIM 433: Communities & Crime
  • CRIM 460: Applied Crime Prevention
  • CRIM 810: Spatial-Temporal Criminology


Future courses may be subject to change.