Alumni Testimonials

Sadaf Hashimi, MA 2015

"I arrived at Simon Fraser University right out of high school, excited and naïve, not knowing exactly what “university life” entailed. Several years later, I left with two degrees: Bachelor of Arts (Honours with Distinction) and a Master of Arts, both in Criminology. During these years, I also completed the Honours program and a practicum.

My time at SFU was an adventure; it was full of opportunities, memories, and the start of great professional and personal relationships. Together with the mountains, sunsets, and “Instagram-worthy” views - that I still appreciate - the mentorship provided at the School of Criminology was what I valued most. The faculty were engaged and invested in their students’ success.

While the Masters program tends to be a unique journey, tailored to the needs of each student, mine was a perfect combination of independence and support. I had a mentor who matched my research interests and provided various opportunities while allowing me to construct my own identity.

For my thesis, I was able to take what I had learned, theoretically, from course work and implement it in an applied setting by partnering with external agencies. This experience is not rare. The department facilitates an environment that is engaging, supportive and most importantly, one that is conducive to success, regardless of what that may entail for each student."

  • Focus | Collective behaviour, group crime, policing policy and procedures, economics of crime, quantitative methods and social network analysis
  • MA Thesis | “On to the next one:” Using social network data to inform police target prioritization
  • Supervisor | Dr. Martin Bouchard
  • Awards | Rutgers University Presidential Fellowship; Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Doctoral Scholarship; Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Masters Scholarship; Graduate Fellowship; Vice President Research Social Sciences & Humanities Undergraduate Student Research Award
  • Career | PhD Student, School of Criminal Justice, Rutgers University

Shannon Linning, MA 2015

"I chose to pursue my Master’s degree in SFU’s School of Criminology because I believed it would give me a well-rounded exposure to all facets of academic work. One of the program’s greatest strengths is the wide variety of opportunities it provides to its students. The School has great diversity regarding available coursework, teaching, research, publishing, and supervision.

My goals were to pursue a PhD at an R1 research university and obtain employment as a professor. SFU’s program has already helped me obtain the first. My research with Dr. Martin Andresen and the Institute for Canadian Urban Research Studies gave me experience publishing several papers in peer-reviewed journals. I was also able to strengthen my teaching and presentation skills working as a teaching assistant both online and in the classroom. Their coursework gave me a solid foundation in methodological and theoretical approaches that advanced my analytical and critical thinking skills. I believe these various forms of training made me a more marketable candidate when I applied to various PhD programs in the United States.

I am currently pursuing my PhD in the School of Criminal Justice at the University of Cincinnati. My experience here has been overwhelmingly positive and I think that is due in part to the training I received at SFU. Having a strong foundation in theory and statistics as well as experience completing a Master’s thesis (something not required in all Master’s programs), allowed me to start my PhD with more confidence and the tools I needed to succeed. Thank you SFU Criminology!"

Dr. Rebecca Nash, PhD 2013

"I chose the School of Criminology at SFU for two main reasons. The first reason I chose SFU was specifically to work with my supervisor, Dr. Martin Bouchard because of his expertise in network analysis. Working with Dr. Bouchard allowed me to finish my PhD in three years thus allowing me to apply and accept a tenure-track position at California State University Long Beach (CSULB) where I will be starting my fifth year.

The second reason I chose SFU for my PhD program was because my mentor at CSULB, Dr. Aili Malm, completed her PhD at SFU so I knew I would be getting a top rate education. An added bonus was the cost of my education at SFU – I was able to pay for my PhD out of pocket from working as a TA and an RA without taking any loans.

I am extremely grateful for my education in the School of Criminology at SFU first and foremost due to the mentorship I received from Dr. Martin Bouchard – I could not have asked for a better supervisor and academic to guide me during my tenure at SFU and into my career at CSULB. It was also very important and extremely beneficial to go out of country to pursue my education and SFU fit the bill perfectly. Finally, I am very thankful for the friends/academic colleagues I met while doing my PhD in the School of Criminology at SFU, without them (A, K, D, and J), it would have been very difficult being away from home, so thank YOU!"

  • Focus | Terrorist networks, counter-terrorism strategies and evaluations, white-collar crime and criminal networks
  • PhD Thesis | Trusting the Con Man: The Role of Social Networks in the Diffusion of Fraud
  • Supervisor | Dr. Martin Bouchard
    Awards Received | Special Graduate Entrance Scholarship (SGES) Award; School of Criminology Graduate Fellowship Award 2011 & 2012; Dean of Graduate Studies Convocation Medal for Outstanding Doctoral Work, Office of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Fellows
  • Career | Assistant Professor, California State University Long Beach
  • Google Scholar | Rebecca Nash