Directed Readings and Directed Studies
CRIM 370 - Directed Readings (3)
Independent readings in a selected field of study, under the direction of a single faculty member. Papers will be required. Prerequisite: CRIM 320 and 330, and written application to the school no later than the last day of classes of the preceding term. CRIM 370 and 470 may not be taken concurrently.
CRIM 470 - Directed Studies (5)
Independent research in a selected criminological area, under the direction and supervision of at least one faculty member. A research report is required. Written application to the school no later than the last day of classes of the preceding term. Reserved for criminology honors and majors. Prerequisite: CRIM 320, 321 and 330. Recommended: CRIM 370.
Please click here for more information about Crim 370 and Crim 470 as well as the application form.