Comprehensive Exam

Comprehensive Examination (CRIM 897)

  • PhD students in the School of Criminology are required to write a single comprehensive examination covering two core areas (methods and theory), and be specific to the student's area of research interest. 
  • The Comprehensive examination may be written in any semester, provided that the sitting of the comprehensive exam is no sooner than the semester following the completion of all coursework.


The comprehensive examination will normally be written during one of the three SFU semesters and is expected to form a major part of the student's work obligations during that time.  It is anticipated that the student will be allowed up to four months to complete the exam.

  • Spring Comprehensive: Register by December 15
  • Summer Comprehensive: Register by April 15
  • Fall Comprehensive: Register by August 15

Comprehensive Exam Process

Please contact the GPA at for your Comprehensive Examination Registration form.