- Programs
- Undergraduate
- Graduate
- Professional Programs
- Community Economic Development
- Graduate professional programs
- Events
- Learning from the Global Pandemic
- Women Bending the Curve on Climate Change
- Engaging the Community to Build Flood Resilience: 12,000 Rain Gardens for the Puget Sound
- Engaging the university community in realizing sustainabiity: a transformational approach
- Engaging Citizens in Bike Lane Proposals: A Toronto Experience
- Climate Narratives
- Students
- Research
- Giving
- About
- Events
- News
- Sea, Land and Sky Initiative
Explore how a degree in Environment can be more impactful and influential than you think. Meet current student changemakers and staff who will share their favourite classes and talk about Co-op work term opportunities, field schools, careers and more.
There are currently no upcoming virtual information sessions scheduled. If you have any questions, please email Chris at env_recruiter@sfu.ca.