- Programs
- Undergraduate
- Graduate
- Professional Programs
- Community Economic Development
- Graduate professional programs
- Events
- Learning from the Global Pandemic
- Women Bending the Curve on Climate Change
- Engaging the Community to Build Flood Resilience: 12,000 Rain Gardens for the Puget Sound
- Engaging the university community in realizing sustainabiity: a transformational approach
- Engaging Citizens in Bike Lane Proposals: A Toronto Experience
- Climate Narratives
- Students
- Research
- Giving
- About
- Events
- News
- Sea, Land and Sky Initiative
Advisor Link is SFU's new academic advising platform designed to help you easily connect with the right advisors, schedule and manage your advising appointments, and track your academic history. From general advising, degree planning to help navigating academic difficulty, your Success Team is here to support your academic success.
You can log into Advisor Link with your SFU computing ID and password to book academic advising appointments online.
Watch the video tutorial to get started!
Academic advising is available to current students through each specific program. Contact information and office hours are listed below.
Drop-in hours are intended for quick questions only. These could include: being added/swapped into a course or being admitted to a major or minor. Please book an appointment if you need more in-depth advice. This could include, but certainly isn't limited to:
- Course planning
- Graduation checks
- Second degree students
- Students in academic difficulty
When meeting with an advisor, please bring your advising transcript.
Ravinder Multani & Tessa Haywood
geogadv@sfu.ca | 778-782-4529
Available: Visit us during our scheduled drop-in advising times, connect with us by phone or email to ask questions or schedule an appointment.
Laura Walker
archadv@sfu.ca | 778-782-5270 | EDU 9638
Visit during scheduled drop-in advising times or book an appointment via Advisor Link.
May Fan
rem_advisor@sfu.ca | 778-782-9396 | TASC1 8419
Appointments and drop-ins: Please view drop-in times or book appointments on Advisor Link.
Sara Bucci
evscadv@sfu.ca | 778-782-6521 | TASC2 8902 (inside the TASC2 8900 corridor)
Appointments and drop-ins: The regular advising schedule is available on our website and you can book an appointment using the online booker, Advisor Link.
If you are not yet declared in the Environmental Science program you will not be able to book an appointment online. Please email or phone (778-782-6521) to gain access to advising.
Co-operative education
The Environmental Co-operative Education Program (or "co-op") integrates work experience with academic studies. Co-op is an exceptional way to aquire career-related experience and finance your education. Work terms consist of 13-17 weeks of paid employment.
New students:
Alex Tzingounakis,
Co-op advisor
Book an appointment via My Experience
Seeking Students:
Heather Gawenda (remote) heather_gawenda@sfu.ca
Deanne Esdale (on-campus) deanne_esdale@sfu.ca
Working students:
Last names A-BE: Afshan Basaria afshan_basaria@sfu.ca
Last names BI – CHA: Stephanie DeRapp stephanie_derapp@sfu.ca
Last names CHE – DEL: Ryan McDonald rmcdonald@sfu.ca
Last names DEY- F: Tyler Schwartz tjs8@sfu.ca
Find drop-in co-op advising schedules here.
Career advising
To explore career options and brainstorming activities that can help you create possibilities in the field of environment, surf here, or contact:
Jill Eddy
Career Educator
SFU Career and Volunteer Services/ Changemaker Lead