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Faculty Guide to Teaching
Grading Policies
Grade Distributions, Grade Change Process, Grade Submissions, Grade Appeals
- SFU’s grading system currently relies on grade point average and letter grades.
- The percentages attached to letter grades vary by department. Be sure to confirm with your department what percentage scale they use before assigning any letter grades to your students, and clarify grading expectations for your TAs.
- Please see the undergraduate grading systems document below for definition of competency-based grades.
Undergraduate grading systems and policies
Graduate grading systems and policies
Where can students find their final grades?
- Students can view their final grades on goSFU.
How do I upload grades to goSFU?
- Step-by-step instructions for uploading grades: https://www.sfu.ca/information-systems/services/gosfu/how-to-guides/faculty.html
- To avoid errors, encourage students to check their final grades in goSFU rather in Canvas.
How do I export my grades from Canvas?
What is the grade change process?
- Grade changes are made online through goSFU. Here is a simple step-by-step guide for the online grade change form:
- Login to go.sfu.ca
- Click on the Grade Change tab (next to Faculty Center)
- Click on Instructor - Grade Change Form
- Click on Grade Roster for the appropriate course
- Click on Grade Change for the appropriate student
- Using the drop-down menus, select the appropriate reason and revised grade
- In the text box add reason for the grade change
- Click submit and confirm that you want to submit the change (at which point it will go to Director of Undergraduate Programs for approval)
- Sessional instructors with semester contracts will need to contact their academic departments to initiate a grade change if their contracts are expired and they no longer have access to goSFU.
What is the deadline for submitting final grades?
Please check with your department manager.
- As a general rule, grades are due 96 hours after the last day of classes or 96 hours after the final exam.
- If the due date falls on a weekend, the deadline for grade receipt is 8:30 a.m. on the following Monday.
- An instructor can request a grade submission date extension from the advisor for their department, if necessary, to avoid multiple grade changes later.
- Deferred grades are due at the end of the first week of classes of the following semester.
- For more information, see Examinations (Policies and Procedures) in the Academic Calendar.
What is the process for grade appeals?
- The policies on reconsideration of a grade are outlined in section 2.5 of the Grading and the Reconsideration of Grades policy webpage.
- Please consult with your chair and department manager about your unit’s procedures for grade changes.
- Faculty guide to grade appeals: https://www.sfu.ca/ombudsperson/get-help/faculty-guide.html
- If a student submits a grade appeal, their instructors need to respond within ten days.
How long do I need to keep copies of exams and assignments?
- The instructor is responsible for maintaining clear records of marks given and to keep them and all marked exams for at least one year following the end of term, and make them available if a student requests reconsideration of their grade.
- See section 2.2.5 in the Grading and the Reconsideration of Grades: https://www.sfu.ca/policies/gazette/teaching/t20-01.html