Sarah Louise Turner

Educational Developer


I am an educational consultant with the Centre for Educational Excellence and have been with SFU for the past 14 years. I began my work with SFU as a teaching enhancement specialist, where I had the great pleasure of working with many SFU faculty, instructional staff and graduate students on voice and presentation skills. I currently co-facilitate the Certificate Program for University Teaching and Learning (CPUTL), am a facilitator for both the Instructional Skills Workshop (ISW) and Rethinking Course Design, and contribute to institutional, faculty and departmental initiatives that span curriculum planning, assessment and the creation of educational media.

I hold an MFA from Indiana University and am passionate about arts-based practices in higher education, which informs many collaborations here at SFU, such as those with both the Centre for Imaginative Ethnography (CIE) and SFU’s Teaching and Learning Players. As a professional actor, I am an active member of the Vancouver Theatre community and find it particularly rewarding when my two worlds align.