SFU Accessibility Feedback
Privacy and Status of Feedback
Feedback provided on barriers to accessibility at SFU will be reviewed by the Accessibility Secretariat. This information will be shared with the area of service you had trouble accessing. You may not get a status update on your feedback, if you share your contact information someone may follow up with you to understand your experience better.
Personal information collected in this feedback mechanism under the authority of sections 26(a), (c) and (e) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (RSBC 1996, c. 165), and section 9 of the Accessible British Columbia Act (SBC 2021) for the purpose of gathering information about barriers to accessibility; feedback will be reviewed by the Accessibility Secretariat and Accessible Committee and will be considered in future actions removing barriers. Where applicable, information will be shared with areas of service to address accessibility barriers. Any questions about the collection and use of this information may be referred to the Committee Secretariat at access@sfu.ca.
SFU Accessibility Feedback Mechanism
The purpose of this page is to provide a space for SFU community members (students, staff, faculty, partners, and visitors) to give feedback on accessibility. Anyone who experiences or witnesses someone experiencing a barrier can provide feedback. This feedback will help SFU understand the barriers people face when accessing SFU services and facilities.
For immediate physical access concerns (e.g. elevator issues) please contact Security at 778-782-4500. For other supports please visit SFU Community Supports Page.
What is a barrier?
The Accessible B.C. Act defines a 'barrier' as anything that hinders the full and equal participation in society of a person with an impairment.
A barrier can be:
- Caused by environments, attitudes, practices, policies, information, communications, or technologies, and
- Affected by intersecting forms of discrimination
There are 6 identified barriers that stop people with disabilities from participating successfully in the workplace.
- Attitudinal barriers: When people think and act based upon false ideas.
- Physical barriers: When obstacles make access difficult.
- Information or communications barriers: When communication methods do not reach people with disabilities.
- Systemic barriers: When an organization’s policies or procedures aren’t inclusive.
- Technology barriers: When technology can’t be accessed by people with disabilities.
- Sensory barriers: When lights, sounds or smells prevent participation in the environment.
Ways to provide feedback
Please make sure to include information about:
- What you were trying to access (a building, a class, a website, etc.)
- Where the barrier happened, what the barrier was, and the impact.
- Any recommendations you might have.
Online Form
This is the best way to provide feedback on accessibility to SFU. This form is anonymous and all questions are optional. Please remember that we are unable to acknowledge or respond to anonymous feedback. If you provide your contact information, it will help us better respond and follow up if more information is needed.
Email your feedback to access@sfu.ca. You can attach files to your email to explain the barrier you faced, such as a video, voice recording, or photo.
Write to:
Accessibility Secretariat, C/O Equity Office
VP People, Equity, & Inclusion
8888 University Drive
Burnaby, BC
V5A 1S6
How we will address your feedback
In June 2021, the BC Accessible Act came into force, making due on the government’s commitment to furthering the rights of persons with disabilities.
Promoting and advancing accessibility is about creating barrier-free communities, workplaces and services for all British Columbians, especially those who have a disability.
SFU is fully committed to proactive identification, removal and prevention of barriers for our communities.
Your feedback will be taken into account as part of the continuous improvement of our accessibility efforts.
Some feedback may be addressed right away, and some may be addressed in the continued development of our accessibility plan. The feedback we receive and how we take it into consideration will be included in future reporting.
Learn more about our efforts in the SFU ‘s Interim Accessibility Action Plan.
If you have any questions, please email edi@sfu.ca.