SFU Accessibility Committee

In response to the Accessible BC Act and to meet the goals of the Equity Compass, SFU has created its first pan-university Accessibility Committee. The purpose of the Accessibility Committee will be to:

  • assist the SFU in identifying attitudinal, physical or architectural, information or communication, systemic/organizational, technology, and sensory barriers;
  • raise awareness about accessibility and inclusion of people with disabilities;
  • set internal accessibility standards;
  • increase accessibility within the organization;
  • provide support, information, and education related to accessibility and inclusion;
  • encourage feedback about accessibility issues;
  • develop an action plan guided by the Equity Compass and interim Accessibility Action Plan; and
  • explore the development of an Accessibility policy and review existing policies.

Much gratitude to the work of the Accessibility Steering Committee who provided valuable advice and input into the design of the Accessibility Committee and process for adding members. The purpose of steering committee, comprised of members of the EDI Advisory Council, the Centre for Accessible Learning, and the SFU Disability and Neurodiversity Alliance, was to consider composition of future accessibility committee, decide on process of selection of committee members and drafting a terms of reference for the committee, and providing feedback on an interim action plan on accessibility that provide guidance to the Accessibility Committee in creating a three-year plan for SFU.


The Accessibility Committee is a mix of appointed positions and at-large members who were selected following an open call for expressions of interest. Please note appointed members are still being added to the committee and this list will be updated as membership grows. The Accessibility Committee has representation from alumni, students, staff, and faculty. 

The members of SFU’s inaugural Accessibility Committee are:

Executive Sponsor

  • Yabome Gilpin-Jackson, Vice President, People, Equity and Inclusion


  • Sean Heaslip, Alumni & Staff Member, Health and Counselling
  • Jennifer Sanguinetti, Associate VP, Facilities and Capital Planning

Appointed Members

  1. Bradley Thomas, Facilities, Surrey
  2. Brian Stewart, Chief Information Officer
  3. Christina Medland, Executive Director, People and Organization Development
  4. Ebony Magnus, Associate Dean, Academic Engagement, SFU Library
  5. Fereshteh Rashed, Director of Access and Equity, Graduate Student Society
  6. Jennifer Espinos, Executive Director, Office of VP Finance and Administration
  7. Jennifer Sanguinetti, Associate VP, Facilities and Capital Planning
  8. Jessica La Rochelle, Director, Indigenous Student Services
  9. Joel Gilani, SFU Disability and Neurodiversity Alliance (SFSS constituency group)
  10. Mat Cocuzzi, Associate Director, Facilities Services, Vancouver Campus
  11. Megan Tweedie, Director, Human Rights Office
  12. Seth Greenham, Acting Director, Centre for Accessible Learning (Director of the Multifaith Centre)
  13. Fiona Shaw, Associate Director, Inclusive Teaching, Centre for Educational Excellence
  14. Nicole Dorssers, Executive Director, Alumni, VP Advancement & Alumni Engagement
  15. Rose Evans, Faculty Relations

At-Large Members

  1. Cynthia Su, Undergraduate Student, School of Contemporary Arts
  2. Lovely Ranges, Undergraduate Student, Faculty of Communication, Art, and Technology
  3. Bonnie Burnside, Graduate Student, Urban Studies
  4. Spencer Chen, Graduate Student, Psychology
  5. Matia Theodosakis, Alumni & Graduate Student, School of Public Policy
  6. Sean Heaslip, Alumni & Staff Member, Health and Counselling
  7. Leah Wiener, Associate Director of Curriculum Development, Lifelong Learning
  8. Rita Steele, Staff Member, Manager, Sustainable Operations, SFU Sustainability
  9. Elina Birmingham, Associate Professor, Faculty of Education
  10. Frances Dodd, Systems & Technical Services Librarian, SFU Library
  11. Mark Pickup, Professor, Department of Political Science


The Accessibility Committee meets regularly, you can find the Terms of Reference for this committee here.


SFU community members (students, staff, faculty, partners, and visitors) can give feedback on accessibility here.


If you have any questions, please email

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