Directed Studies and Honours

Students at SFU who are interested in completing a Directed Studies course with Dr. Iarocci should first inquire about becoming a volunteer with the ADDL. It is preferred that Dr. Iarocci has sufficient time to supervise an individual prior to accepting them for a Directed Studies course. SFU students are also encouraged (but not required) to take PSYC 359 - Developmental Disabilities. Please ensure that you meet all of the requirements of the Directed Studies course, found here

If you are interested in applying for the Honours program at SFU with Dr. Iarocci, please be aware that Dr. Iarocci's Honours students are typically required to have volunteered at least 60 hours in the ADDL or have completed a Directed Studies course supervised by Dr. Iarocci. This ensures that the student has had enough experience with the research conducted by the ADDL, and enables the student to assist in the administration and data collection for the study or project they are interested in completing. Prospective Honours students are encouraged to apply to be a volunteer at least one semester prior to the Honours application deadline (i.e., Spring semester prior to the Summer semester deadline), preferably earlier if possible. Please ensure that you meet the requirements for Psychology Honours program, found here.

If you would like to learn more about the Directed Studies or Honours supervised by Dr. Iarocci, please email us at