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SFU Strategic Research Plan (SRP) Priority Project

Supporting Postdoctoral Fellows

VPRI Portfolio Lead
Valorie Crooks
Associate Vice-President, Research
Faculty Lead
Naomi Krogman, Dean, Faculty of Environment
Dean, Faculty of Education

On this Page:

  1. Challenge
  2. Action
  3. Project Goals
  4. Key Achievements
  5. Working Group


SFU hosts a relatively small number of postdoctoral fellows (postdocs) for our number of faculty members. Existing postdocs sometimes feel like they “fall between the cracks” at SFU. They are neither faculty members nor students, and they have identified that many systems at SFU do not cope well with their in-between status.



Working with the provost, the dean of graduate and postdoctoral studies, SFU Human Resources, and the Postdoctoral Association we will identify the concerns of postdocs and—within a year—provide a central managed point for support of postdocs. We will work with SFU Advancement & Alumni Engagement to create an institutional postdoc program. Our purpose is to improve the recruitment and retention of postdocs which will improve the support for research at SFU.

Project Goals

  • March 2024

    Coordinator, Postdoctoral Affairs in the VPRI Office has been actively working with postdoctoral fellows and administrators to provide continuous support for the postdoc community. 

  • October 2023

    All postdoctoral fellow support provided by Graduate Studies has transitioned to the VPRI portfolio, including: funding opportunities, support for events, organizing professional development activities, website support, and general enquiries.

    Coordinator, Postdoctoral Affairs is the central point of contact for postdoctoral fellows, and manages the account for enquiries.

  • May 2023

    VPRI office has been identified as the central area of administrative support for postdoctoral fellows.

    The VPRI office is responsible for the postdoc policy (R 50.03) and is taking a more active role in providing oversight, support and advocacy for postdoctoral fellows.

  • May 2024

    Beginning May 2024, a monthly newsletter is being sent out to postdoctoral fellows that provides information on upcoming events, fellowships, awards, and other important resources and opportunities for postdoctoral fellows at SFU. 

  • March 2024

    Work is underway to re-design a monthly newsletter to be sent out to postdoctoral fellows. 

  • March 2024

    The home website for postdoctoral fellows has been re-designed to include more resources for postdoctoral fellows. It is updated on a regular basis, an events calendar has been added which provides an overview of the activities of interest to postdoctoral fellows. 

    SFU Postdoctoral Fellowships positions that are currently available across different faculties and departments are also advertised on this website as well to other institutions through the CAPA society. 

  • February 2024

    Work is in progress to connect with communicators in various faculties & departments as well as with individual grant/award winners to raise awareness and highlight stories about postdoctoral fellows. 

  • December 2023

    Work is underway to redesign the home website for postdoctoral fellows to include resources, information about various support units and other relevant updates and improve traffic/visibility to this website.

  • June 2023

    A communications activity plan for raising the profile and awareness of postdoctoral fellows at SFU is being created by the VPRI Communications team.

  • May 2024

    The VPRI office has established a point of contact with Advancement & Alumni Engagement to develop case for support to identify funding opportunities for postdoctoral fellows. 

  • September 2023

    The Vice-President, Research and Innovation has allocated top-up research funding of $15,000 to every successful Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship applicant.

  • May 2023

    The VPRI office will establish a point of contact with Advancement & Alumni Engagement to discuss establishing a postdoctoral fellows program to help with funding.

  • May 2024

    In collaboration with UBC, the Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation & Graduate Studies hosted a Career Symposium for postdoctoral fellows and graduate students. The symposium focused on finding and applying for academic positions and how to thrive in the first few years after securing a faculty position. 

  • March 2024

    Planning is underway to jointly host a career symposium with UBC’s Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies and Career Centre and SFU’s Graduate Studies and Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation. 

  • May 2023

    The Emeritus group has offered to meet and mentor postdoctoral fellows.

  •  Processes need to be clear and simplified (e.g. longer-term appointments)
  • Better support for departments/supervisors when hiring and onboarding a postdoctoral fellow. 
  • Improved orientation resources for new postdoctoral fellows. 

Completed Project Goals


After a thorough evaluation in accordance with the guidelines provided by Living Wage for Families BC it has been determined that the living wage salary for postdoctoral fellows at SFU is $40,725.40 annually. All faculties and departments have been asked to adjust the salaries of postdoctoral fellows for new appointments and contract renewals that are below the living wage. These changes take effect July 1, 2024, and apply to internal postdoctoral fellows, who are employees of the university (i.e., those paid through a supervisor’s grant).

It is to be noted that the annual living wage amount is not a recommended salary for postdoctoral fellows, it is a baseline figure to ensure postdoctoral fellows are not earning below a living wage.

Postdoctoral fellows can now seek conflict resolution coaching support from Conflict Resolution and Investigation Specialist within the Office of the Vice-President, People, Equity and Inclusion. If you are interested in learning more please contact Christeen Livingstone,

A participatory professional development workshop for postdoctoral fellows on "Dealing with Conflict Situations: Respectful Learning Environments and Communication at SFU" was hosted at the SFU Surrey Campus on Feb 21, 2024. (Event information: Welcome Day - Postdoctoral Association - Simon Fraser University (

The management of employment contracts for postdoctoral fellows is now handled by Research People Team in VP, People, Equity and Inclusion. Work was done to clarify and amend the contract language to address the concerns raised. The supervisor, employee (postdoctoral fellow) as well the department administrators are copied on the offer of employment to ensure all parties are aware of conditions of employment.

A set of guidelines have been made available to support faculty and department administrators involved in the appointment of postdoctoral fellows for teaching opportunities at SFU. Postdoctoral fellows granted teaching opportunities should be appointed as a Limited Term Lecturer (LTL). These appointments are governed by the collective agreement between SFU and the SFU Faculty Association (SFUFA) under Article 35. 

The MOU between housing and VPRI that provides postdoctoral fellows with access to two residential units on campus was renewed in June 2024. 


Allowing external postdocs (who are paid by funds not held by a university faculty member) to become university employees with access to benefits and other services available to employees (e.g. library, fitness center, SFU email, labs, etc.) was identified as one of the high priority challenges by SFU Postdoctoral Association (PDA) based on a survey conducted by them.

In June 2023, a process was established to provide external postdoctoral fellows access to the same benefit plan as internal postdoctoral fellows. The cost of the benefit plan will need to be paid by the postdoctoral fellow or their PI.

This was identified as one of the highest-priority challenges by SFU Postdoctoral Association (PDA)  based on a survey conducted by them.  An improved benefit plan offering was made effective starting June 1, 2023 which includes funding to support those PIs who may require support for the increased cost.

External postdoctoral fellows have access to SFU's Library, SFU fitness center computing services, and recreational facilities as well as office space, local telephone service and, if applicable to their research, laboratory space, equipment and supplies.

Allowing postdoctoral fellows to participate in existing housing programs was one of the high priority challenge raised by the postdoctoral fellows. In 2023, an MOU was finalized between housing and VPRI that provides postdoctoral fellows with access to two residential units on campus. 

Working group 

A working group was established in May 2023 with a one-year commitment to address the project goals. This working group includes representation from the Postdoctoral Association, Graduate Studies, the Vice-President Research and Innovation (VPRI) portfolio, Human Resources, and faculty members. The membership of the working group was renewed at the end of the 1 year term (April 2024). The current composition of the group is listed below. 

Name Role Unit
Valorie Crooks, Chair Associate Vice-President, Research (AVPR) VPRI
Varundeep Chahal Strategic Projects Manager VPRI
Clare Zheng Coordinator, Postdoctoral Affairs VPRI
Elsa Plican Director, HR Research Personnel & HR Information Systems Human Resources
Kate Slaney Associate Dean Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Naveed Gulzar Research Facilitator Faculty of Environment
Jiguo Cao Professor Faculty of Science
Numaira Obaid Member, SFU Postdoctoral Association SFU Postdoctoral Association