Contact Us

Our advising topics include the following:

  • Immigration: Canadian immigration documents and regulations (e.g. study permits, visas, work eligibility, enrollment requirements for international students)
  • Non-immigration: Medical insurance and the Canadian healthcare system, tax filing, and more

Please note that our international student advisors do not advise on academic-related and permanent residence inquiries.

To learn more about academic advising, see Quick Links.  For information about applying for permanent residence in Canada, please visit the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) website. 

We offer both virtual and in-person drop-in advising. Drop-in is offered on a first-come, first served basis with a 10-15 minute advising time. The wait times are determined by the number of students in the queue. 

  • Drop-in hours are subject to change - see calendar below for most up to date drop-ins
  • The drop-in queue will be closed once we reach capacity, or 15 minutes prior to the scheduled time, whichever is earlier.

If you want to skip the wait time or if your question is more complex (e.g. application refusals, restoration applications, etc), you may consider the option to book an appointment to meet with an International Student Advisor.

In-Person Drop-In Advising


Drop-In Advising is offered at the International Services for Student Main Office in the Maggie Bentson Centre (MBC 1200) at the following times:


1:30 PM - 3:30 PM


1:30 PM - 3:30 PM

❗ Note: Monday drop-ins in Burnaby that are cancelled due to statuory holidays will be rescheduled for Tuesdays.


Drop-In Advising is offered in the Surrey Campus Mezzanine infront of Registrar's office at the following times:

Tuesdays 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM

❗ Note: Surrey Drop-In is cancelled for the following days: 

Sept 3 & Sept 10


Drop-In Advising is offered at Harbour Centre, first floor next to the Registrar's office at the following times:

Mondays  2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

❗ Note: Surrey Drop-In is cancelled for the following days: 

Sept 3

Lost? Call our Front Desk Office at 778-782-4232 for assistance or visit the Campus Map

Virtual Drop-In Advising

Early morning Virtual Drop-In Advising is offered through Zoom during the following time:

Thursdays 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM

Additional Virtual Drop-In will be offered during the week.  Please check the calendar below for the most up-to-date schedule.  


❗Note: Virtual Drop-Ins is cancelled for the following days:

Sept 26

Troubleshooting Zoom Drop-In

To learn more about SFU Zoom features, tools, and privacy, please vist this webpage.

Note: The waiting room will be locked once we reach capacity for the Zoom drop-in session, and you will see the message “The meeting has been locked by the host” (see example).

Depending on the number of students in the queue, the waiting room can be locked before the scheduled time. You can connect with us via other advising options.

Drop-In Calendar

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