Arabic Courses

ARAB 100 - Introductory Arabic I (3)

Introduction to modern standard Arabic for students with no background in that language. Introduces basic written and oral skills. Provides students with a history of Arabic literature alongside key aspects of Middle Eastern and North African cultures. Students with credit for LANG 134 or ARAB 134 may not take this course for further credit.

ARAB 110 - Introductory Arabic II (3)

Follows ARAB 100. Continues to develop basic oral and written skills. Includes the study of Modern Standard Arabic language, including grammar, syntax and vocabulary. Introduces students to the modern Arabic language and some major aspects of Middle Eastern/Arab culture. Prerequisite: ARAB 100 (or ARAB 134) or equivalent. Students with credit for ARAB 101, ARAB 148 or LANG 148 under the title "Introductory Arabic II" may not take this course for further credit.

Chinese Courses

CHIN 100 - Mandarin Chinese I (3)

Introduction to Mandarin Chinese for students with no prior background or instruction in that language. CHIN 100 is a beginners’ course in basic oral and written skills. Students will be assessed through a placement process at the beginning of the term. Students enrolled/placed into other Chinese courses may not take this course for credit. Breadth-Humanities.

CHIN 110 - Mandarin Chinese II (3)

Continues introduction to Mandarin Chinese for students who have developed the necessary foundations from CHIN 100. Students will acquire elementary conversational skills and basic reading ability. Prerequisite: CHIN 100 or equivalent. Students enrolled/placed into other Chinese courses may not take this course for credit. Students with credit for CHIN 101 may not take this course for further credit. Breadth-Humanities.

CHIN 151 - Spoken Mandarin for Speakers of Other Chinese Dialects I (3)

Designed for speakers of a Chinese dialect other than Mandarin, e.g., Cantonese. Learners will come to the course with no ability in spoken Mandarin, but some command of Chinese reading and writing. By the end of CHIN 151, students will be able to use spoken Mandarin at a basic level. Prerequisite: No knowledge of spoken Mandarin; placement interview. Students with credit for CHIN 151 may not take this course for further credit.

CHIN 152 - Spoken Mandarin for Speakers of Other Chinese Dialects II (3)

Designed for speakers of a Chinese dialect other than Mandarin, e.g., Cantonese. Learners will come to the course with novice level proficiency in spoken Mandarin and a good command of Chinese reading and writing. By the end of CHIN 152, students will have improved their pronunciation and aural comprehension of spoken Mandarin and have enhanced their conversational skills. Prerequisite: CHIN 151 or equivalent.

CHIN 153 - Spoken Mandarin for Speakers of Other Chinese Dialects III (3)

A continuation of CHIN152. Designed for speakers of a Chinese dialect other than Mandarin, e.g., Cantonese. Further develops learners' oral skills in paragraph length discourses on a variety of social, academic and business-related topics and terminology through class discussions and presentations. Prerequisite: CHIN 152 or equivalent.

CHIN 180 - Intensive Mandarin Chinese for Beginners I (3)

An intensive introductory course for non-heritage students. Students are expected to master Mandarin Chinese pronunciation and acquaintance with simplified Chinese characters. Basic grammar, everyday conversation topics and Chinese communication style are introduced. Students with credit for CHIN 100 may not take this course for further credit.

CHIN 181 - Intensive Mandarin Chinese for Beginners II (3)

Acontinuation of CHIN 180. Students continue to develop skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing in Chinese at a good pace. Lessons also include on-line listening and writing exercises. Prerequisite: CHIN 180CHIN 100 or equivalent. Corequisite: This course may be taken concurrently with CHIN 180. Students with credit for CHIN 101 may not take this course for further credit.

CHIN 190 - Heritage Mandarin Chinese I (3)

An introductory course for heritage language learners who have native or near native speaking ability in Chinese (Mandarin or other dialects), but limited knowledge of written Chinese. Mandarin Chinese phonetic system, basic grammar and 300 Chinese characters are introduced to improve students competences in spoken Mandarin and modern written Chinese. Prerequisite: This course is for students of Chinese origin who have native or near native speaking ability in Chinese (Mandarin or other dialects), but limited knowledge of written Chinese.

CHIN 191 - Heritage Mandarin Chinese II (3)

A continuation of CHIN 190. Heritage Chinese students continue to develop competence in Mandarin Chinese, with an emphasis on reading and writing skills. Prerequisite: CHIN 190 or equivalent. This course is for students of Chinese origin who have near native speaking ability in Chinese (Mandarin or other dialects), but limited knowledge of written Chinese. Breadth-Humanities.

CHIN 200 - Mandarin Chinese III (3)

Continues the approaches taken in CHIN 100 and CHIN 110 in order to improve listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Students will be able to exchange ideas and opinions in daily conversation, and to read short stories and articles. Understandings of Chinese values and customs will be developed in a cross-cultural perspective. Prerequisite: CHIN 110 (or CHIN 101) or equivalent. Students enrolled/placed into other Chinese courses may not take this course for credit.

CHIN 210 - Mandarin Chinese IV (3)

Continues the work of CHIN 200. Building upon the approaches taken in CHIN 100110, and 200, students further develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills towards the intermediate level. By the end of the course, students will be able to express their ideas consistently in sentences with some details, identify the main ideas of simple texts, and supply information on forms and messages. Utilizing course materials with a Canadian focus, students are encouraged to work independently in acquiring vocabulary, expressions, and sentences. Prerequisite: CHIN 200 or equivalent. Students enrolled/placed at other Chinese courses may not take this course for credit. Students with credit for CHIN 201 may not take this course for further credit.

CHIN 280 - Intensive Mandarin Chinese for Beginners III (3)

Intensive training in vocabulary, character acquisition and essentials of grammar. Further development of conversational skills through a communicative approach. Lessons include on-line listening and writing exercises. Prerequisite: CHIN 181, CHIN 101 or equivalent. Students with credit for CHIN 200 may not take this course for further credit.

CHIN 281 - Intensive Mandarin Chinese for Beginners IV (3)

A continuation of CHIN 280. Students further develop conversational, reading and writing skills in Chinese. Lessons also include on-line listening and writing exercises. Prerequisite: CHIN 280CHIN 200 or equivalent. Corequisite: This course may be taken concurrently with CHIN 280. Students with credit for CHIN 201 may not take this course for further credit.

CHIN 290 - Heritage Mandarin Chinese III (3)

A continuation of CHIN 191. Develops students' communicative competence in spoken Mandarin and modern written Chinese. Classes are conducted entirely in Chinese. Intermediate level materials introduce the basic core of China's culture. By the end of the course, students are expected to have an active vocabulary of approximately 1100 Chinese characters. Prerequisite: CHIN 191 or equivalent. This course is for students of Chinese origin who have near native speaking ability in Chinese (Mandarin or other dialects), but basic knowledge of written Chinese.

CHIN 291 - Heritage Mandarin Chinese IV (3)

A continuation of CHIN 290. Students further develop communicative competence in Chinese language, as well as a deeper understanding of Chinese culture through course materials on Chinese history, mythology and folktales. Prerequisite: CHIN 290 or equivalent. This course is for students of Chinese origin who have near native speaking ability in Chinese (Mandarin or other dialects), but basic knowledge of written Chinese.

CHIN 330 - Intermediate Chinese for Business I (3)

Designed for learners of intermediate to advanced levels, this course introduces Chinese business terminology, concepts and practices through studying real business cases in contemporary China. Prerequisite: CHIN 291 or permission of the instructor.

CHIN 390 - Advanced Chinese Reading (3)

Introduces specialized vocabulary, sentence patterns, word formation and semantic nuances through popular science readings covering a broad array of subjects such as math, physics, computer science etc. Intended for students of intermediate to advanced Chinese reading, to improve their reading skills for documents with an academic focus. Prerequisite: CHIN 291 or permission of the instructor.

CHIN 460 - Text and Screen: Chinese Fiction and Film (3)

To further advance learners’ language skills through studying fictions by well-known authors like Yu Hua, Liu, Cixin, Ye Gelin, and their adapted media works. By analyzing the idioms, sentence structures, plot, characters themes and literary devices, learners can enhance their linguistic knowledge of the literary texts and deepen their understanding of the historical, social and cultural issues represented in the works. Prerequisite: CHIN 330CHIN 390 or equivalent.

German Courses

GERM 100 - Introductory German I (3)

Introduction to German for students with no previous background in the language. Course develops German language acquisition through listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills, using practical and situational materials that stress both language and culture. By the end of the term, students will have acquired basic conversational skills. (A1.1 level of CEFR). Students with previous German training should contact the department for placement. Students with credit for GERM 102 may not take this course for further credit. Breadth-Humanities.

GERM 110 - Introductory German II (3)

Follows GERM 100. Continues introduction to German for students who have developed the necessary foundations from GERM 100. Students will acquire elementary conversational skills and basic reading ability, along with cultural competence. By the end of the term, students will be able to communicate in basic German. (A1 level of CEFR completed). Prerequisite: GERM 100 (or GERM 102) or equivalent. Students with credit for GERM 103 may not take this course for further credit. Breadth-Humanities.

GERM 200 - Intermediate German I (3)

Follows GERM 110. Continues to develop basic communication skills and promotes student cultural understanding. By the end of the term, students will be able to function in a German speaking environment. (A2.1 level of CEFR). Prerequisite: GERM 110 (or GERM 103) or equivalent. Students with credit for GERM 201 may not take this course for further credit.

GERM 210 - Intermediate German II (3)

Continues the work of GERM 200. Students will receive further training in speaking, reading and writing, with extensive references made to German culture. After completion of the course, students should have attained the A2 level of the CEFR. Prerequisite: GERM 200 (or GERM 201) or equivalent. Students with credit for GERM 202 may not take this course for further credit.

GERM 300 - Advanced German: Composition and Conversation (3)

Practice in comprehension, reading, speaking and writing, combined with a review of the essential points of grammar. Prerequisite: GERM 202 or consent of the instructor.

Greek Courses

GRK 100 - Introductory Modern Greek I (3)

Introduction to Greek for students with no prior experience in that language. Introduces basic grammar and oral and written skills alongside key concepts from Greek civilization. (A1.1 level of CEFR). Students with credit for GRK 110, GRK 191 or LANG 110 may not take this course for further credit.

GRK 111 - Introductory Modern Greek II (3)

Follows GRK 100. Continues introduction to the Greek language for students who have developed the necessary foundations from GRK 100. Students will develop writing and conversational skills, while learning more about the cultural context of the language. (A1 level of CEFR completed). Prerequisite: GRK 100 (or GRK 191) or equivalent. Students with credit for GRK 160, GRK 192 or LANG 160 may not take this course for further credit.

GRK 200 - Intermediate Modern Greek I (3)

Follows GRK 111. Develops Greek language skills so that students can communicate in situations extending beyond the basic levels of speaking and writing. The course introduces various intermediate-level grammatical structures and references Greek cultural outlooks. (A2.1 level of CEFR). Prerequisite: GRK 111 (or GRK 192) or equivalent. Students with credit for GRK 210, GRK 291 or LANG 210 may not take this course for further credit.

GRK 211 - Intermediate Modern Greek II (3)

Follows GRK 200. Students will receive further training in speaking, reading, and writing, with extensive reference to Greek culture. (A2 level of CEFR completed). Prerequisite: GRK 200 (or GRK 291) or equivalent. Students with credit for GRK 260, GRK 292 or LANG 260 may not take this course for further credit.

Italian Courses

ITAL 100 - Introductory Italian I (3)

Introduction to Italian for students with no previous background in the language. Introduces basic oral and written skills, and cultural competence. (A1 level of CEFR). Students with previous Italian training should contact the department for assessment and placement. Breadth-Humanities.

ITAL 110 - Introductory Italian II (3)

Follows ITAL 100. Continues introduction to Italian for students who have developed the necessary foundations from ITAL 100. Students will acquire elementary conversational skills and basic reading ability, along with cultural competence. (A2 level of CEFR). Prerequisite: ITAL 100 or equivalent. Students with credit for ITAL 101 may not take this course for further credit. Breadth-Humanities.

ITAL 200 - Intermediate Italian I (3)

Follows ITAL 110. In addition to the consolidation of the four skills developed in ITAL 110 (listening, speaking, reading, and writing), and an expanded cultural component, the course includes selected readings from Italian authors (B1.1 level of CEFR). Prerequisite: ITAL 110 (or ITAL 101) or equivalent.

ITAL 210 - Intermediate Italian II (3)

Follows ITAL 200. The oral and written competences learned in ITAL 200 are expanded through grammar review, oral practice, cultural studies, and selected readings from Italian authors and multimedia activities. (B1 level of CEFR completed). Prerequisite: ITAL 200 or equivalent. Students with credit for ITAL 201 may not take this course for further credit.

ITAL 300 - Advanced Italian: Language and Culture (3)

Will continue the work of the 200-level courses with emphasis on the cultural aspects of Italian life. How does one live in Italy today? What are the cultural differences between the various regions? Fluency in language use, both oral and written, will be enhanced. Prerequisite: ITAL 201 or permission of Instructor.

ITAL 360 - Italian Literature as World Literature (4)

Maps out Italian literature’s contributions to world cultural heritage, in the form of one of the nation’s great authorial voices, a particular period or movement, or a defining theme. Aims to tease out the ways in which these contributions are inscribed in a dynamic global matrix wherein cultures are negotiated and transformed through on-going dialogue and exchange. This course may be repeated once for credit when different topics are offered. Prerequisite: 45 units or permission of the department.

ITAL 400 - Topics in Italian Literature: Contemporary Prose, Poetry and Theatre (4)

The complexity of modern Italy and its language are explored through the lens of contemporary literature. Prerequisite: ITAL 300 or permission from the instructor.

ITAL 491 - Directed Readings in Italian (3)

Guided readings on selected topics. Prerequisite: Enrollment permission required from instructor.

Japanese Courses

JAPN 100 - Japanese I (3)

Introduction to Japanese for students with no background in that language. Introduces basic oral and written skills, and the three Japanese writing systems (Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji). Students who took Japanese courses in secondary school and/or with previous knowledge of Japanese may need to be evaluated for placement into JAPN 110 or higher level of courses and are required to contact the instructor before enrollment. Students enrolled directly into JAPN 110 may not take this course for credit. Breadth-Humanities.

JAPN 110 - Japanese II (3)

Follows JAPN 100. Students will acquire elementary conversational skills and basic reading ability. Students successfully completing the course attain proficiency equivalent to the level N5 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Prerequisite: JAPN 100 or equivalent. Students who took Japanese courses in secondary school and/or with previous knowledge of Japanese may need to be evaluated for placement into JAPN 110 or higher level of courses and are required to contact the instructor before enrollment. Students enrolled directly into JAPN 200 may not take this course for credit. Students with credit for JAPN 101 may not take this course for further credit. Breadth-Humanities.

JAPN 200 - Japanese III (3)

Follows JAPN 110. Everyday language usage is emphasized in providing students with communicative skills at the advanced introductory level of Japanese. Students learn to comprehend everyday language in various situations using the appropriate speech style, and to read adapted texts and write coherently. Prerequisite: JAPN 110 (or JAPN 101) or equivalent.

JAPN 210 - Japanese IV (3)

Follows JAPN 200. Provides a solid foundation in Japanese through oral and written communicative skills and prepares students for the intermediate level. Common grammatical structures and forms are introduced. At the completion of the course, students should be able to function in day-to-day conversations using Japanese and attain proficiency equivalent to the level N4 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Prerequisite: JAPN 200 or equivalent. Students with credit for JAPN 201 may not take this course for further credit.

JAPN 300 - Intermediate Japanese I (3)

Comprehension of intellectually oriented materials, processing information needed for judgment and decision making, and expression of inner feelings and thoughts. Prerequisite: JAPN 201 or by permission of the department.

JAPN 301 - Intermediate Japanese II (3)

Comprehension of intellectually oriented materials, processing information needed for judgment and decision making, and expression of inner feelings and thoughts. Prerequisite: JAPN 300 or by permission of the department.

JAPN 351 - Japanese Language and Culture through Film (3)

Introduction to different styles of Japanese communication in various contexts through Japanese films, while reflecting on Japanese society and culture. Provides students with an opportunity to deepen their understanding of Japanese language and culture by learning how to tie appropriate language use to specific circumstances. Prerequisite: JAPN 300 or a placement interview. Students who have completed JAPN 210 or 301 can also enroll in the course. Course participants are expected to be able to read at least 300 kanji (Chinese characters), and to follow instructions in Japanese.

JAPN 360 - Japanese Literature as World Literature (4)

Maps out Japan’s contributions to the world’s literary heritage, whether in the form of one of the nation’s great authorial voices, a particular period or movement, or a defining theme. This exploration will tease out the ways in which these contributions are inscribed in a dynamic global matrix wherein cultures are negotiated and transformed through on-going dialogue and exchange. Students may repeat this course for further credit. Prerequisite: 45 units or permission of the department.

Persian Courses

PERS 100 - Introductory Persian I (3)

An introduction to the Persian alphabet, phonology, morphology, and basic syntax in relation to the reading, writing and translating of basic sentences. Students with any prior knowledge or experience in Persian beyond the level of this course may not enroll in PERS 100. Students who have taken LANG 118 with this topic may not take this course for further credit. Students with credit for PERS 118 may not take this course for further credit.

PERS 110 - Introductory Persian II (3)

Follows PERS 100. Study of the vocabulary and syntax of standard Persian in preparation for reading, writing, and conversation. Students with any prior knowledge or experience in Persian beyond the level of this course may not enroll in this course. Prerequisite: PERS 100 (or PERS 118) or permission from the instructor. All students must attend a placement meeting and receive permission of the department. Students who have taken LANG 168 with this topic may not take this course for further credit. Students with credit for PERS 168 may not take this course for further credit.

Portuguese Courses

PORT 100 - STT-Introductory Brazilian Portuguese I (3)

At a beginner’s level, this course aims at providing basic knowledge of Portuguese (basic vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation) and meaningful language use opportunities. All four basic language skills are developed (oral and written comprehension and production). Emphasis is placed on Brazilian Portuguese language and culture, with elements from other regional varieties and cultures.

Punjabi Courses

PUNJ 100 - Introductory Punjabi I (3)

Introductory level course intended for students who have little or no previous knowledge of the Punjabi (Gurmukhi) script. Students will learn to read, write and converse at a basic level. Students with credit for LANG 148 Special Topic-Intro to Punjabi I may not take this course for further credit.

PUNJ 110 - Introductory Punjabi II (3)

Follow PUNJ 100. Students who have a basic knowledge of Punjabi (Gurmukhi) script will learn to further develop their ability to speak, comprehend, read and write Punjabi while exploring the Punjabi culture. Prerequisite: PUNJ 100 or equivalent. Students with credit for LANG 148 Special Topics - Intro to Punjabi II may not take this course for further credit. Students with credit for PUNJ 101 may not take this course for further credit.

Spanish Courses

SPAN 100 - Introductory Spanish I (3)

Introduction to Spanish for students with little or no previous background in that language. Course develops Spanish language acquisition through listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Practical and situational materials are employed to underline the ties between language and culture. By the end of the term, students will have acquired basic conversational skills and an elementary reading facility. (A1 level of CEFR). Students with previous Spanish training should contact the department for placement. Students with credit for SPAN 102 may not take this course for further credit. Breadth-Humanities.

SPAN 110 - Introductory Spanish II (3)

Follows SPAN 100. Continues introduction to Spanish for students who have developed the necessary foundations from SPAN 100. Emphasis is on oral skills and grammar while continuing to develop reading and writing proficiency. Practical and situational materials are employed to underline the ties between language and culture. By the end of the term, students will be able to communicate in Spanish using a wide range of grammatical structures and vocabulary. (A2 level of CEFR). Prerequisite: SPAN 100 (or SPAN 102), grade 12 Spanish, or equivalent. Students with credit for SPAN 103 may not take this course for further credit. Breadth-Humanities.

SPAN 200 - Intermediate Spanish I (3)

Follows SPAN 110. Expands advanced grammatical concepts and promotes student cultural and historical understanding of the Hispanic world. By the end of the term, students will be able to function in a Spanish speaking environment. (B1.1 level of CEFR). Prerequisite: SPAN 110 (or SPAN 103) or equivalent. Students with credit for SPAN 201 may not take this course for further credit.

SPAN 210 - Intermediate Spanish II (3)

Continues the work of SPAN 200 with emphasis on oral command and writing skills. Students will transfer their knowledge of Spanish into performance and use the language in an accurate and idiomatic way. Short literary readings and films will be introduced to expose students to Hispanic cultures. (B1 level of CEFR completed). Prerequisite: SPAN 200 (or SPAN 201) or equivalent. Students with credit for SPAN 202 may not take this course for further credit.

SPAN 301 - Advanced Spanish Grammar and Writing (3)

Detailed examination of contemporary Spanish grammar. Appropriate grammatical usage is reinforced by exercises and writing assignments. Both advanced learners and native speakers will benefit through intensive work on a wide range of grammatical phenomena. Prerequisite: SPAN 202.

SPAN 302 - Spanish Conversation Through Cinema (3)

Enhances students' conversational skills through activities centred on Spanish language films. A selection of films from different parts of the Hispanic world will expose students not only to dialectal and register differences, but also to cultural practices in a variety of settings. Prerequisite: SPAN 202 or equivalent.