
Learn Punjabi

Join the 130 million people around the world who speak Punjabi. The ninth most-spoken language in the world, Punjabi is a fascinating and vibrant language.

Which Punjabi language course should I take?

Students with no background in the language may enroll themselves into the relevant introductory course.

Students who have some background in Punjabi should contact the course instructor for a placement interview if they are enrolling in an Punjabi course for the first time.

Students who have transferred from a college or a university and took Punjabi in their prior institution should take the next level course.

* We reserve the right to move students to more proficiency-appropriate courses or to unenroll students when there is no appropriate course for them.

Placement interviews

Students who are unsure about their level or background in Punjabi should attend a placement interview before they register for courses. Contact the undergraduate advisor (wlladv@sfu.ca) to arrange.

Students are expected to provide true information about their language background and language learning experiences to the best of their knowledge. Concealing your knowledge of the language and/or providing false information are considered academic dishonesty and can be recorded on the your academic record. For more information, read SFU's academic integrity page.

Punjabi courses

Fall Courses 2024

Course Title Instructor Day/Time Location
PUNJ 100 E900 Introductory Punjabi I Reetinder Kaur
Reetinder Kaur
Sep 4 – Oct 11, 2024: Tue, Thu, 4:30–6:20 p.m.
Oct 16 – Dec 3, 2024: Tue, Thu, 4:30–6:20 p.m.

Introductory Punjabi I

PUNJ 100

Introductory level course intended for students who have little or no previous knowledge of the Punjabi (Gurmukhi) script. Students will learn to read, write and converse at a basic level. Students with credit for LANG 148 Special Topic-Intro to Punjabi I may not take this course for further credit.

Even more Punjabi courses

Interested in knowing what other Punjabi courses you can take in future semesters? See our full course offering on SFU's Student Services website.