Academic Integrity

All members of the University community share the responsibility for the academic standards and reputation of the University.

Academic Integrity is a cornerstone of the development and acquisition of knowledge. As such, academic integrity is a commitment to engage in academic work in a manner that upholds the values of honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility, and courage. For students, this means that assignments and exams are completed by yourself and that the work of others must be acknowledged through accurate citation. Learning with integrity includes seeking guidance and clarification from your instructors and study support staff in the library, and avoiding using tools or services that confer an unfair academic advantage.

The Student Academic Integrity policy defines the basic responsibilities of students in relation to scholarly activities and sets out the principles for student discipline in academic matters.

On this page:

Academic Integrity contact

Arlette Stewart, MA
Coordinator, Academic Integrity

Phone: 778 782 7075

Academic Integrity topics

Learn more about your rights and responsibilities as a student, and the supports available to develop your academic integrity skills.

Faculty Information

Resources, procedures, and best practices to help instructors foster a culture of academic integrity in their classrooms.

Teaching Assistants Information

Resources, procedures, and best practices to help TAs and Tutor Markers foster a culture of academic integrity in their classrooms.

Learn more