Robert C. Brown Award

Type Awards
Award Name Robert C. Brown Award
Program Id UEAO195
Awarded summer
Procedure Nomination By Dept
Terms of Reference To a student in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences who has completed a minimum of 60 units at Simon Fraser University. The recipient will have demonstrated a combination of outstanding academic achievement and outstanding performance or leadership in another endeavor at Simon Fraser University. This may be in athletics, in service to the University, or in representing the University to the community at large. The applications/nominations should include the nominee's resume and a letter of recommendation from a faculty member in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and should be forwarded to the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. The award will be made by the Senate Undergraduate Awards Adjudication Committee on the nomination of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.
Value 3000

For more information, eligibility and application please refer to SFU Awards.