The n Games

An innovative tournament of invented games
Saturday, April 6, 2024 | 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Robson Square Rink, Vancouver

Creativity is the name of the game with the n Games – the ultimate playful event created for adults!

The n Games is an innovative tournament of invented urban games in which diverse teams attempt to "solve for n, the unknown quantity". Groups from all over the Lower Mainland are invited to be one of the six teams to participate. We expect entries from teams of diverse backgrounds, ages and skillsets to tackle this set of unique games invented by SFU School for the Contemporary Arts students, SCA Assistant Professor James Long, and artist Germaine Koh.

On Saturday April 6, the six teams will gather at the Robson Square rink to compete in this tournament of unexpected games that might spread into downtown space and involve by- standers. The games will test mental and physical adaptability, strategy, negotiation – and maybe even dancing and social skills!

The n Games value play as a form of creative problem-solving, prompting teams to take unconventional approaches to challenges involving both mind and body. This event is a new urban-space edition of the n Games (which were first presented by Koh in 2013). These games are sponsored by Downtown Vancouver Business Improvement Association.

The tournament format will include round-robin and playoff rounds, ending with the pres- entation of the n Games trophy. Teams are guaranteed at least three matches, and will learn the rules of the games immediately before they play them, unleashing energy and chaos as teams quickly work together to find the best way to win. Will strategy or strength prevail? Creativity or cunning? Brain or brawn? The n Games will test the teams’ abilities to solve both typical and not-so-typical game situations.

Sign me up!

The one-week registration window opens on Monday, March 18 and closes on Saturday, March 23. To register, first prepare your team name, a one-sentence team background, and the names and emails of your 6-10 teammates. Then follow the registration link at, beginning at 3:00 PM on March 18. There will be some possibility for teams to adopt drop-in players and passersby on tournament day.

April 06, 2024