SCA | Quick News | August 11, 2023

AI is nothing without humans

Read the SCA's Arne Eigenfeldt, whose musebots have been working in this field for some time now, on "generative artificial intelligence" for The Conversation. Read it HERE.

Marks in The Routledge Handbook of Ecomedia Studies

The SCA's Laura U. Marks contributed the text "Collapse Informatics and the Environmental Impact of Information and Communication Technologies" to The Routledge Handbook of Ecomedia Studies, edited by Antonio López, Adrian Ivakhiv, Stephen Rust, Miriam Tola, Alenda Y. Chang, and Kiu-wai Chu. More HERE.

Long's Lonely Lonely Oh So Lonely

The SCA's James Long (Theatre Replacement) is presenting Lonely Lonely Oh So Lonely on August 12 & 13, 2023, at the Museum Milavida (Milavidanrinne 8, 33210 Tampere, Finland) as part of the Tampere Theatre Festival, presented with the Theatre Arts program (NÄTY) at the University of Tampere. More HERE.

Active / Passive

With a website by SCA alumnus Deanna Peters, the 5th Volume of Active / Passive on Galliano Island, running August 11 – 13, 2023, includes the SCA's Barbara Adler (who'll be giving an artist talk on Saturday, August 12, from 12:00 PM –1:00 PM at the Yellowhouse Art Centre, about her work Spring Summer 2024, which is on exhibition) and SCA alumnus Toni-Leah C. Yake (who's performing on Saturday, August 12, from 4:00 PM – 9:30 PM at the Yellowhouse Art Centre as part of the Slow Concert series). More HERE.

O’Callaghan interviewes Monahan

SCA alumnus James O’Callaghan interviewed Canadian Composer and Sound Artist Gordon Monahan for eContact!, the "Online Journal for Electroacoustic Practices." Read it HERE.

Gamboa's Dama

Read the Daily Tribune on Koryolab 2023: In the Round, which includes SCA alumnus Tin Gamboa's Dama, running August 19 at 2:00 PM & 7:00 PM and August 20 at 2:00 PM at Metro Manila's Tanghalang Ignactio Gimenez (CCP Black Box Theater), presented by the Cultural Center of the Philippines in cooperation with Tanghalang Pilipino Foundation, Inc. Read it HERE.

Triana in the Spotlight

SCA alumnus Jhoely Triana is interviewed for a Member Spotlight post on The Dance Centre's blog. Read it HERE.

FRIDAY for Alpha60

Read a quick interview with SCA alumnus DEBBY FRIDAY (featuring a photo shoot) by Melbourne fashion label Alpha60. Read it HERE.

Girl at What Lab

SCA alumni Montserrat Videla Samper and Jordan Zanni's Girl runs August 11 – 13, 2023, at 7:00 PM & 9:00 PM at What Lab (202 – 1814 Pandora St., Vancouver), produced as part of What Lab’s Deep End residency program. More HERE.

Cobalt & Crone

SCA alumni Stefan Nazarevich​ and Shion Skye Carter​ join Joseph Hirabayashi and Dumb Instrument Dance​'s Ziyian Kwan​ for Cobalt & Crone, which runs September 20 – October 1, 2023, at Morrow (Suite 204 – 910 Richards St., Vancouver), with more info forthcoming and tickets on sale on August 14. Follow Dumb Instrument Dance on Instagram for updates.

StretchMetal x VIVO: Ambient Night

SCA alumnus Alexandre Klinke​'s Playback Head shares a bill with Midden, Andy Zuliani, and C.Diab on Friday, August 18, 2023, starting at 8:00 PM, at VIVO Media Arts Centre​, presented in partnership with StretchMetal​. More HERE.

What Are Our Supports? sale

The Richmond Art Gallery​ (7700 Minoru Gate, Richmond) has copies of What Are Our Supports?, co-edited by SCA PhD student Joni Low and Jeff O’Brien, "for a special price of $30 until August 20th." Get yours in-person or online HERE.  

All Over the Map

SCA alumnus Jhoely Triana and SCA PhD student Edward Sembatya are performing on Sunday, August 13, 2023, at 1:00 PM & 3:00 PM at Granville Island's Picnic Pavilion as part of New Works' All Over the Map programming. More HERE.

Sundin in Liminal Spaces

Curated by Andrew Booth (Vancouver Art Blog), SCA alumnus Vilhelm Sundin is part of the exhibition Liminal Spaces at the Monte Clark Gallery (53 Dunlevy Ave., Vancouver), which opens Thursday, August 10, 2023, from 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM, and runs to September 2. More HERE.

The Straight on Vines

Here's The Georgia Straight on Vines Art Society's Vines Art Festival, founded by SCA alumnus and Vines Artistic Director Heather Lamoureux, which includes participation by SCA alumnus Anya Saugstad, Eowynn Enquist, Shion Skye Carter, Cindy Kao 高慧欣, Eddy Van Wyk, and Doaa Magdy. Read it HERE.

O'Brien is TR's COLLIDER AiR

Theatre Replacement, found by the SCA's James Long and SCA alumnus and TR Artistic Director Maiko Yamamoto, have announced SCA alumnus Keely O'Brien as their 2023 COLLIDER Artist in Residence, and will be developing a new work to be presented at PushOFF in 2024. Congratulations, Keely! More HERE.

Armour curates VIFF Live program

SCA alumnus and PuSh International Performing Arts Festival co-founder Norman Armour is curating a "boundary-pushing, cross-disciplinary VIFF Live program" for the upcoming Vancouver International Film Festival, which runs September 28 – October 8, 2023. Read more from Stir Vancouver HERE.

The Natalie Brettschneider Archive video tour

Watch a video tour by SCA alumnus Carol Sawyer of her exhibition The Natalie Brettschneider Archive, which is at Contemporary Calgary (701 11 St. SW, Calgary) until October 29, 2023. Watch it HERE.

BLOT in Mexico

BLOT — Body Line of Thought by Simona Deaconescu and SCA alumnus Vanessa Goodman / Action at a Distance runs Sunday, August 13, 2023, at 6:00 PM at Mexico City’s Teatro de la Ciudad Esperanza Iris as part of the Festival Internacional de Danza Contemporánea de la Ciudad de México. More HERE.

Soba’s Corner: A Chinese-Canadian Cooking Show

SCA alumnus Snack Witch aka Joni Cheung is holding a FREE episode of Soba’s Corner: A Chinese-Canadian Cooking Show via Zoom on August 29, 2023, from 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM, presented in support of the exhibition Invisible Fish, which also includes SCA alumnus Roxanne Charles, running at the Surrey Art Gallery​ (13750 88 Ave, Bear Creek Park) until September 3, 2023. RSVP HERE.

Fredriksson and Enquist in the Dance Made in Canada Festival

SCA alumnus Emmalena Fredriksson and Arash Khakpour are sharing an excerpt from You Touch Me as part of The Morrison Series at the Dance Made in Canada Festival, which runs August 16 – 20, 2023, at the Betty Oliphant Theatre (404 Jarvis St., Toronto), and SCA alumnus Eowynn Enquist is sharing _littleRoom_CUT10_Final as part of the dance on film set of screenings. More HERE.

Morning Star

SCA alumnus Joey Chaos​ shared Morning Star, a new, broody shoegaze-informed track from Joey Chaos and The Ghosts​. Listen on your fav streaming platform HERE.

New Sound mural

SCA alumnus Michelle Sound unveiled a new mural on the Ociciwan Contemporary Art Centre (10124 – 96 St., Edmonton). More HERE. Also, see some work-in-progress images on Sound's Instagram.

How Would Lubitsch Do It S3E04

Listen to S3E04 of the podcast How Would Lubitsch Do It about Ernst Lubitsch's 1924 film Forbidden Paradise, with SCA alumnus host Devan Scott and guest and fellow SCA alumnus Will Ross. Listen HERE.

Suddenly Slaughter

The Biting School (SCA alumnus Aryo Khakpour and Arash Khakpour) are presenting their film Suddenly Slaughter, featuring Elissa Hanson, Victor Mariano, Ashley Aron, Anahita Monfared, Sadreddin Zahed, and Aryo and Arash, on October 10, 2023, at The Cinematheque​ (1131 Howe St., Vancouver). More HERE.

Echoes of a Circle Youth Art Day

The Art Gallery at Evergreen​ (1205 Pinetree Way, Coquitlam) is hosting a Youth Art Day event event for "creatives ages 13 – 18" tomorrow – Saturday, August 12, 2023 – from 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM, featuring an art workshop, pizza, and a guided tour of Echoes of a Circle, which features work by the created by six emerging artists participating in the Emerging Creators Incubator, including SCA alumni Jullianna Oke and Samantha Walters and Pegah Ahmadi, Jordanna George, Alia Hijaab, and Juan Imperial. RSVP HERE.

Yoga x Please

SCA alumnus Doaa Magdy is holding an "energizing yoga class followed by cocktails" on Saturday, August 19, 2023, staring at 10:30 AM at Please Tasting House (222 W. 5th Ave., Vancouver). Plus, if you stay for brunch, you get 25% off. More HERE.

August 11, 2023