Eleven Little Free Libraries placed in downtown Vancouver

SFU News' Kelsie Fo did some good coverage of the Little Free Libraries project, which was worked on by SCA Visual Arts students. Read more here...

Students in Simon Fraser University’s School for the Contemporary Arts (SCA) have repurposed and decorated 11 newspaper boxes into miniature lending libraries now available across downtown Vancouver.

A joint project with the Downtown Vancouver Business Improvement Association (DVBIA), the boxes are known as Little Free Libraries where people can take, borrow or donate books in the spirit of community sharing.

Little Free Libraries is one of the DVBIA’s placemaking projects, which include revitalizing laneways and decorating electrical boxes. The goal is to improve public spaces around Downtown Vancouver to help people feel welcome, safe, engaged and happy.

This is the second collaboration between the DVBIA and SFU SCA students. In 2017, students painted the hoarding around the Harbour Centre building during renovations.

The Little Free Libraries can be found at the intersections of Alley Oop laneway and Granville St., Seymour St., West Hastings St., and West Pender St. and in Ackery’s Alley laneway behind the Orpheum Theatre and at Perch patio spaces.

For all library locations click here.
