Tegan Wahlgren's Wallgrin

Photo: Pat Valade for Discorder Magazine.

SCA BFA (music) grad Tegan Wahlgren has a record release for her debut album Bird/Alien, as her "art-pop" alter ego Wallgrin, at Fox Cabaret on July 3, 2018. Find the full show info here. In a December 2016 profile in Discorder Magazine, Tintin Yang describes the Wallgrin project like this:

Tegan uses Wallgrin to explore sound, be it screeching or harsh violin riffs, the more experimental the better. Her new album, Bird/Alien (to be released early 2017) plays on unconventional noises with fantastical lyrics, providing listeners a distinct sonic experience. The album plays on her own interpretation of a sci-fi aesthetic, and is heavily based in motifs of mythology. Often beginning experimentally, she starts with melodies, then layers walls of sound, then adds lyrics. It builds a portrait of Wallgrin and the mythological women whom she channels.

Wahlgren's new label, Heavy Lark, which also works with SCA MFA student Leif Hall, goes deeper still to capture Wahlgren's unique combination of live-looped violin and vocals:  

Interweaving legends and folklore amidst intricate harmonies and pop sensibilities, Wallgrin gives voice to the mythological beings that have long occupied the fringes of the cultural imagination. Bird/Alien explores the inner lives of the most sinister creatures of legends, embodying their anger, jubilation, sorrow and tenacity. Banshees scream over the murmurs of forgotten demigods; the cries of harpies cut through rich primeval hymns. The album depicts a deeply intimate look into these imagined lives, all while questioning the symbolism of gender in mythology and the expressions of femininity and masculinity in relation to power.

Bird/Alien is available to stream and download here and is available on CD, too. To read Yang's complete profile of Wallgrin, go here.
