Senate Committee on Enrollment Management and Planning
Standing Committee (Reporting Category "B")
Members | Conditions | Term | Expiry Date | Name |
Vice-President, Academic | Chair Ex-officio | Dilson Rassier | ||
Vice-Provost and Dean, Graduate Studies | Ex-officio | Mary O'Brien | ||
Registrar and Exec. Director Student Enrolment (or designate) | Ex-officio | Tom Nault | ||
Associate Vice-President Academic | Ex-officio | Peter Hall | ||
Associate Vice President Students and International (or designate) | Ex-officio | Rummana Khan Hemani | ||
Director, Office of Institutional Research and Planning | Ex-officio -- Secretary (non-voting) | Zareen Naqvi |
Dean, Applied Sciences (or designate) | Ex-officio | Eugene Fiume | ||
Dean, Arts and Social Sciences (or designate) | Laurel Weldon | |||
Dean, Business Administration (or designate) | Peter Tingling | |||
Dean, Communication, Art & Technology (or designate) | Arne Eigenfeldt | |||
Dean, Education (or designate) | Cécile Bullock | |||
Dean, Environment (or designate) | Paul Kingsbury | |||
Dean, Health Sciences (or designate) | Tania Bubela | |||
Dean, Science (or designate) | Angela Brooks-Wilson | |||
Faculty Senator | Elected by Senate | 2 years | May 31, 2026 | Anke Kessler |
Faculty Senator | 2 years | May 31, 2026 | Matt Martell | |
Undergraduate Student Senator | Elected by Senate | 1 year | May 31, 2025 | Darrick Gunawan |
Graduate Student (at-large) | 1 year | May 31, 2025 |
Terms of Reference
1. To recommend to Senate annual targets for undergraduate and graduate enrolment in each Faculty.
2. To recommend to Senate annual undergraduate admission targets by semester, basis of admission (high school, college transfer, other), and Faculty.
3. To consider proposals from Faculties for managing enrolment in Faculties and/or programs and to make recommendations to Senate.
4. To monitor closely the impact of enrolment management measures and recommend appropriate changes, as needed, to Senate.
5. To make recommendations to Senate concerning the management of international student enrolment.
6. Considering available and prospective resources, to develop and recommend to Senate policies for managing enrolment.
7. To coordinate and monitor student employment and retention activities between the Faculties and Student Services.
Quorum is seven voting members
Committee meetings are scheduled twice per year, in February and November.
The next SCEMP Meetings will be held:
Wednesday, February 21, 2024, from 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm in Strand Hall 3101